
quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014

The Origin Genesis

And all the men who participated in the first death (of God cast out of Eden), Brothers Brothers here we understand that we are talking of heaven, Souls of Spiritual things, let's ask the Lord Jesus Christ, that gives off our mind from the physical world, in heaven there is no time, space or distance.

We sought power in the path of darkness, for the LORD our God said to us, do not blow the evil, if comedes die, but the deluded by power, greed and Satan, enter the path where we could not have entered.

Brothers, someday in the distant past we have with God (Father), in Eden God, we were created to generate the light and not just be light, because if it were that simple, God (the Father) would generate in shape already and Light everything was resolved, but as we see it is not that simple.
God in principle before there was heaven and earth, before there galaxies, before the existence of the universe.

God was in anything because nothing had yet been created, but God who dwelt in nothing had full plenitude of all his powers.

Nothing is like Math Science 100 minus 100 = 0, zero is nothing, it does not mean that there is nothing in Zero, but we have a hundred hundred positive and negative, within that zero does not mean that there was no universe, but that there was a universe of opposites, a universe that is neutralized, nullified that a Universe itself, the Universe of God (Father), Habitat of God (the Father).

In Sine qua non habitat law of God (the Father), everything existed, everything that we can think and imagine, for example: Well - Mal = 0, Light - Dark = 0, Love - Hate = 0, etc.

All adjectives and qualities we know and do not know were already ordered in anything habitat of our God, in pairs, or in opposites.
Brothers that anything we know how the word Spirit.

We can use two of them as an example among millions, Spirit of Love Spirit of less hatred = Zero equals nothing.

Brothers try to put them in this environment that our God lives, where if you pull a rope to the left you create equal force in the opposite direction, ie to the right.

Since the very thoughts of our God is presented as opposites.

Brother solve this problem: How could God develop a differentiated quality, and that quality comes with its opposite?

God knew everything that would create within its habitat, would also generate the opposite example:

Light creates darkness.

Well generates evil.

Love begets Hatred and so on.

At the same time that God had nothing, he had everything, but it's everything that nullifies the opposite.

The beginning and the end of the universe that is still being created, everything is in God's plan.

God knows the details of the whole universe of his creation, but the universe does not know his Creator.

God penetrates every detail of the universe he created, to keep it, modify it, and God comes and participates change, but what's changed physically or not, it matters not participating.

Men Living Spirit we are created by God in his image and likeness, therefore God is in us, but that does not mean we are in God.

God is in us with all His power and glory, and God reveals the mysteries of their habitat through us, therefore God takes pride and pleasure in men like Job. That chose the Path of Light, but when he came upon the darkness and hell (suffering) on ​​it, Job remained in the Light and not accepted and will not yield strength Sine Qua Non of the Universe of Opposites, showing that it is possible to choose a path.

Jesus Christ is the firstborn son of God, before there was heaven or earth or the universe, Jesus Christ was already with God.

When God by his Power and Wisdom said:

Genesis - Chapter 1.3
And God said. Let there be light and there was light.
And God saw that the light was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

Brothers and God saw that it was good the Light, but he said the same of darkness, and in that moment that God made a separation between the light and the darkness God was aware, that was what was light and darkness, and God chose be light.

Even before this moment the billions of billions of years ago, God had no conscience or the light or of darkness.

The brothers were the first separation that occurred in the universe, and was between Light and darkness, between good and evil.

Brethren, let us understand that God did not create darkness, nor evil, but rather created when you created the Light and the Light, God separated light from darkness, because God saw that the darkness is evil and God from the beginning not compactuou with evil.

As the habitat of God can not develop any unique quality due to Sine Qua Non Law habitat of God, ie the Law of Opposites. After this: God created the universe, but not in their Habitat, but everything was created by God, was made out of his habitat, his firstborn was done in Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ existed from eternity, as spoken in Colossians, see below:
Colossians, chapter 1, verses 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 - Which is (Jesus Christ) image of the invisible God, the firstborn (First) of all creation. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities or powers, all things were created by Him (Jesus Christ) and He (Jesus Christ). And it is He (Jesus Christ) before all things, and all things consist by Him (Jesus Christ). And He (Jesus Christ) is the head of the Church is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that everything has preeminence (That Jesus Christ is above all). Was pleased the (Father) that all fullness dwell in him. The mystery which hath been hid from ages and in all generations, and has now been revealed to his saints.

Selah - Brothers, Jesus Christ is from everlasting, and who preach that Jesus Christ is only after his birth on earth is Heresy! E is taken by Christians as the Antichrist! Because we fully believe what is written in the Holy Word of God and in Colossians Chapter One, as the above statement.

And God (Father) by his wisdom developed a Plan, The Plan of God (Father): Generate generate light without darkness. But How?

God knew everything that would create within its habitat, would also generate the opposite example:

Light - darkness.
Well - badly.
Love - Hate and so on.
God's plan was to create a universe in Christ.

At that moment began the differentiation where it was possible to create more light without generating the opposite of darkness, we call it the unique quality of the Wisdom of God.

God birthed Jesus Christ, when we speak of the birth of Jesus Christ here, yet we are not talking about the mission of Jesus Christ on earth, but Jesus Christ generated in Spirit of Light with God as part of his Body, as the first creation of God in the Universe, it is written that God is the head of Jesus Christ and the Body of God.

Intellect God having a body out of its habitat, so that this body can generate different qualities of light, so that by the power of that light, that great day of God to separate permanently from their habitat. As we see below in:

Isaiah - Chapter 30, 26
And be the Light of the Moon as the sunshine, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

Brethren, how wonderful God's Word, the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, has everything we need to understand the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ is the one who shows us the path of good.
And the Psalmist asks God, asking God to exalt the lift to the highest degree of light (energy) asking God to light his face, and Isaiah tells us a parable (Symbology) to where: the Moon is the Church and the sun is God.

Today we are like the moon does not have its own light, but receive the seed of God in his Light on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church, as the prophet Isaiah said: Our Light (Church) will be as the light of God and the Big Day the Light of God will be seven times higher than it is today.

Brothers, God is the head and the body Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and the body and be one body, God is Light and in his tabernacle will receive more Light, the Light of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the Light and receive more in your Tabernacle Light, the Light of His Church, the light of all the Spirits of Light, the Light of who is saved in that great day will belong to the Tabernacle of Jesus Christ.
Brothers is why we say that God is in all his work throughout his creations in each angel, each Archangel Seraphim in each in every man, in every part of physical or spiritual in Jesus Christ, but nothing is in God.

Selah - Because God created a universe in Jesus Christ out of your Habitat!
Brothers what matters to our God follows:

Revelation - Chapter 3
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot! So then because thou art lukewarm, and you are neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Revelation - Chapter 22
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and that is holy, let him be holy still!

Brothers to enter in the Tabernacle of God can not be zero, we can not be warm, example: I do a bit of good practice and also a bit of evil, Evil = Zero Much less.
Brothers, as Holy Scripture tells us in Revelation Zero (Warm) does not matter to our God, I will vomit you out of My presence.

We have to contribute different qualities of light, as did those whom God has pride and joy: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Daniel, Isaiah, Job, the Apostles Paul, Peter, and Stephen etc. and as the Apostle John, and those millions and millions he saw lights are brought out of darkness, all in white with palm branches in their hands, singing the song of victory.
Brothers will be like the Body (Tabernacle) of God?

The Body of God will have (07) Seven Spirits of God (the Father) who are (07) seven pillars of the Tabernacle of God, The Body of God is made of the Spirit of Light, as are the ornaments of the Tabernacle of the Body . God, the ornaments of the body of God, the healthy virtues of each differentiated Spirit of Light, the Body of God is a Spirit of Light The Holy Spirit of God tells us: Jesus Christ is the main Raw material used in the building of the Tabernacle our God, and the foundations of your body are the foundations of the Old and New Testament, with all the sacrifices that were made by the Prophets and Apostles, and through the sacrifice of every soul saved is a gemstone that living body, being the greatest of all the sacrifices of Jesus Christ, in whom the whole body fitly of God is, and our growth in the stature of a perfect man who is able to give us to be part of the Holy Tabernacle of God (the Father). In which all the saved that day will be (01) one Body Built for House of God (the Father) in the Spirit of Light.

Brothers universe created by God can undergo changes, the universe is not fixed as the habitat of God, for this reason it was created, why it's different qualities of light, these qualities that will be part of the Body of God can be generated.

Brothers in the World we live in is the world that matters to the plan of our God (Father), because God (the Father) has an interest in different qualities of light, and our world is made of qualities and choices between light and darkness, between good and evil, between love and hatred, etc., here is all that God requires Feedstock edify his Tabernacle (New Jerusalem).

Brothers created the universe in Jesus Christ is a universe that allows changes, although there opposites: light - darkness, Well - evil, Love - Hate, etc. This is a universe that accepts change, accepts walk to the stature of a perfect man, to accept spiritual individuation. And God did so that it is changed, we can take our darkness light. Well take our evil. Love taking our hatred, etc.

Selah - And here in this universe that humanity is to generate light! Generate different qualities of light.

The Wisdom of God to create a universe in Jesus Christ who is the Light of differentiated habitat for this new Universe (New Jerusalem) it generates itself autonomously Light differentiated.
This is why the Church of Christ is a divisor of the habitat of God who will join his tabernacle, because its essence is also the Light of outstanding quality. This is why the Church of Christ is distinguished from the qualities of God (Father), as an increase in the power of Christ and of God.

. These qualities do not exist, as God's creation, but the man draws the power of Jesus Christ in his own darkness, as mentioned above the different qualities of Job Or as Isaiah tells us: Isaiah - Chapter 58.10 - E open yourselves up thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day.
When we speak here of the Plan of God (the Father) and as its Spirit of Wisdom created and executes his plan, in order to generate light. It's the same plan of God (the Father) is our plan of Generating Light of the Spirit the love of Jesus Christ in our souls.

Here it creates a duality in speaking of God's Plan (Father) or talk about how to generate light in our souls by the power of Jesus Christ to become true Spirits of Light.

However, it is necessary to speak of our own quality differentiation of Light. Therefore we must distinguish different qualities of light, individual. For it is written that salvation is individual, together make up the Church of Christ, which is the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have to transcend the initial state of our soul, the spiritual individuation path stature of a perfect man must be still in our lives, developing differentiated qualities of Love, Peace, Sanctification of, Justice, etc. If we do not practice these different qualities in our souls, we will be in the Zero and Zero is the eternal death of the soul.

Brothers, will go to hell (eternal suffering) as we can not generate differentiated qualities of light, different qualities of Love, Peace differentiated qualities, etc.

Many of us in order to justify themselves say: We shall be saved by faith and not by works! Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.And it is true since there is no lie in God's Word. What sometimes is not clear to some, what is this faith? What is that believeth.

This faith is believing that believes in our Lord Jesus Christ, not only that he is the Son of God because this until the Devil, Principalities, and Powers of evil also believe is to believe and follow all of the messages he left us in its passage through the earth including the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, who said: I do not just letting you, but will send you the Holy Ghost the Comforter.

It is believing (faith) in the doctrine of Jesus Christ, is to believe the words of Jesus Christ, is to believe in the New Testament that was shed by his blood (life) of Jesus Christ, is to believe that he (Jesus) was with God (the Father ) and became flesh, was humiliated poor, and became the lowest, was humble, so we can have direct eternal life with glory, believing in Jesus Christ is to believe and follow everything that is written in the New Testament, is believe the Gospel of Peace set by Jesus Christ.

For this reason that intrinsically, that is where the human being has at any place he was born, the man carries in his genes to search for God, for the most primitive and isolated that man is the company he is always in search of a superior being, in their fight against the darkness to get out of your initial state of your soul that is in equality: Well - evil, light - darkness, love - hate, etc.

The Spiritual individuation is for us Christians called Height of Rod Perfect. Walking in the Light Height of Rod Perfect Way is the essence of spiritual life for all mankind.

And if humanity does not want to go down that path the Church of Christ for sure tread, because it is the only way to get into heaven and part of the Tabernacle of Jesus Christ and God (the Father). Cremo us, because only those who have faith in Jesus Christ will be saved. As it is written in the Word of God (the Father), whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved!

Have to believe (faith) in the Path of Light (The Way of Jesus Christ) is as follows:

Path of Darkness
Path of Light (Faith in Jesus Christ)
Walking the Path of Darkness
Believe have faith, follow the path of the Light (Jesus Christ)
Spirit of the Justice of God
Criticizing the next
Helping others
Speaking ill of the next
Pray for others
Doing work for evil
Meeting with Brothers, prayer as well.
Envy the prosperity of the next
Happy with the prosperity of the next
Fear, Fear
Courage, Strength
Spirit of God's Peace
Selfishness, do for themselves.
Solidarity to do next.
Lie is Transitory
Truth is Eternal
Body Wishes
Wishes of the Soul
The World, Earth.
Heaven, Heavenly Zion.
Nervous, Tense
Quiet, Serene
Lack of Emotions
Control of Emotions
Earth Science
Spirit of Wisdom of God
Discerning the Spirit of God
Disrespect for God
Spirit of the Fear of God
Temporal prosperity
Eternal Prosperity
Act by unconscious complexes.
Act consciously by Ego
Dwelling on the past
Freedom of the soul for the future
Sadness meat
Joy of the soul
The Law of indictment
The Law of Forgiveness
Transmute into Perfect
Destructive thinking
Constructive Thinking
Persistence in meditation on Jesus Christ
Body wants to fix attention
Fix attention (7) Spirits of God
Negative Soul
Positive Soul
Disruption of things to meditate life
Meditate, Feel the Presence of God.
Attitude of Vengeance
Attitude of Forgiveness
Time, Distance
There is no Time or Distance
The war between good and evil, between light and darkness, between love and hate etc., are qualities that existed in the habitat of God (Father), before there was man, but of God in the habitat they void, or zero.

As the man is the image and likeness of God, and here we are talking about image and likeness of God in the Spirit. To our Spirit has the same design the same spiritual genetics to God (the Father) are equal carry in our genes we carry in our soul, our spirit carry in pairs of opposites mentioned above, like many others not mentioned. The mechanisms of our soul, the complexity of our soul, the complex articulation of our soul are equal to the complex soul of our God (the Father).

Brothers, what then is the difference between the universe created in Jesus Christ and Habitat of God?
Is that the universe created by God in Jesus Christ enables the development of differentiated quality of our acts without which manages its opposite. (This is the Wisdom of God, This is God's Plan).

Since the essence of our being is differentiated qualities of light, and in the qualities we are differentiated, separated from each other and thus do not cancel mutually; in contrast, is active in spiritual development. That is why intrinsically possess the Spirit in the Well - evil, light and darkness, love and hate, etc. Because in God we divided into two.

And here is fulfilled the word of Jesus Christ when he said: I am the God (Father) and God (the Father) is in me.

Selah - Brethren, if we remain faithful to the purpose of our creation is to generate light through Jesus Christ, if you can develop faith in Jesus Christ the differing qualities of the Path of Light in our Soul, certainly Jesus Christ will give us salvation!

Today humanity question:

Where is God?
God is alive and is running his plan on earth through Jesus Christ, through his Church, just can not see those who are spiritually blind, and can not only listen to those who are spiritual deaf. God is in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is his Church and all who have the Spirit of Love (Charity).

Jesus Christ in the light of its everyday and its light grows in the hearts of men.
Brothers I only write to people I do not know, so I can tell you a testimony that happened in my house.

I have 03 daughters, and one 11 year old daughter who lives with me and my wife, and she is not going well with his grades in school, which creates some concern for us, but we were talking about the Light of Christ that grows the heart.

I scheduled a visit at the house of a cousin of mine who has more than 70 years old, lives with her children and spends some financial difficulty and has serious health problem, purpose of the visit is to go to his house and say a prayer.

But I also felt the urge to take some money, but at the time of this visit I had no availability and talking to my mom, she volunteered to go to visit and give R $ 100.00.
And my daughter listening to our conversation told me: Father can give my R $ 100.00 that I have in my piggy bank, at the time I won the best gift that my daughter could give me in 2014, much better than good grades in college, and the Presence of God and Jesus Christ visited me at that moment my heart with joy to see the Spirit of Love of Jesus Christ within the heart of my 11 year old daughter, and the Light of Christ to grow in their heart, God prepared over £ 100.00 delivered to R $ 300.00 and made a prayer and the name of God is being glorified.
As this testimony, there are thousands of testimonies of the Spirit of God's love in the hearts of men, every day on our planet, just do not see Jesus Christ, who is spiritually blind.
Selah - Light Search Light, and where Light is darkness has to bend!

Selah - The Paz exceeds the evil forces! Stay in Peace and evil has to bend!
Man can not define God (the Father) and Jesus Christ, but we see Jesus Christ through the Spirit of Love in the hearts of men who walk the path of light.

Selah God is outside and what is inside the sole, it is the whole and at the same time is the Catalyst Centre and the Union of the Man Jesus Christ!

Shelah, God is the Principle of Life. God is the heart of man and at the same time is the Soul of the Universe. God is the inexhaustible Fountain of Love!

Brothers, all trials of the dark path that we are taking the opportunity to light our darkness one of hundreds of examples in the Bible we have Job, see how God rejoices in it:

Job - Chapter 10, 21,22
Before I go, never to return to the land of darkness and the shadow of death.
Earth gloom, as the same darkness, land of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness.

Brothers, Job that time was in the midst of a terrible ordeal, Job lost his wealth, his children, lost all the prestige estimates that the city and his friends had for him, and his body was in a terrible disease an infection picked up from head to toe, their eyes and all members with a terrible itch.

And Job told us how he felt at that moment, Job said: Before I die in this land of darkness, gloom earth, already feeling close to death, he said: That this darkness was without any order, but who fills it light, but that their light is as darkness, in that moment God brought Job to feel how he felt God's billions and billions of years ago, as was his world, as was his habitat, as was his life. See how God (the Father) felt:Genesis - Chapter - 1, 2 - And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Brothers, that we may be light matter that this body back the land, so that our Spirit is Light go to meet the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Light. But before that moment a deployment, a walking the stature of a perfect man, an increase of light within our souls through the seed of light that Jesus Christ has placed in our hearts by the Gospel of Peace.
And with absolute certainty the ordeal not stifled the Light that was inside of Job, but the ordeal has made ​​that generates more light in Job, especially on the summit of probation after losing all said Job: Job Chapter 1, 21 - Naked I came from the womb my mother, and naked shall I return thither; The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Brothers with absolute certainty, that moment unattended light generated in the soul of Job and darkness had to bow out.

Job - Chapter 2, verses - 9.10 - Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God and die. But Job said to him speak as the foolish women would speak: we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

Brothers, we are in a body of darkness in a world of darkness, do as did God (the Father) and as Job did, in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, we take light of our darkness!

Brothers, today Satan is not our Angel (Guardian) that proved ourselves to see who was worthy of the kingdom of heaven, ie, worthy to participate in the Body of God. Today Jesus Christ is our elder brother who has that power, and he surely will not take anyone to insanity to prove he is worthy of Heaven.

This means that Christ uses to save souls is through the Gospel of Peace. Brothers just follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our soul is pure Light, as the soul of the Eternal Lamb is pure Light.

Brothers come upon us, any feeling that is of darkness and in the name of Jesus Christ, we take the light out of darkness, as Job did, because if we let the darkness get nailed in our soul. Surely that great day, Zero will be in God's presence.
God through Jesus Christ is in us, and that He will give us power to transmute the darkness into light.

The void effective (Zero) is the being of darkness. Light and darkness are the first manifestations of nothingness (Zero) which we call Spirit.Whether the Spirit exists or not, because it vanishes in all things.

In the universe created in Christ Jesus is different from the habitat of God, because in that Light and Darkness, Good - evil, love - hate, etc., they do not cancel each other mutually, but in the name of Jesus Christ if one resists as opposed to the other assets, resist the darkness, evil, hatred, etc., is produced in the Spirit Light.

Brothers, by the power of Jesus Christ, let us walk in the light path, with our spiritual eyes fixed on heavenly Zion, the New Jerusalem Tabernacle of God (the Father), but during our journey, if we make a mistake, some lack some deviation, we must humble ourselves before the Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness, with our knees on the floor in secret talk directly to Jesus Christ with a sincere heart before Jesus Christ, for the endless immensity of the love of Jesus Christ can forgive us.

The Holy Spirit does not dwell in one vessel (heart, mind, soul) in darkness, but spending time and keeping in purification (sanctified before God (Father)), the Holy Spirit again to dwell in our hearts.

See how God (the Father) allowed fleshly eyes saw a small speck of light in human bodies on earth:

Brothers. Can be absolutely sure about the light that grows (being generated) in each Spirit (Soul) Light on Earth, Spirits of Light is perfect every day in the Spirit of God's love freely given to every Christian by the Gospel of Jesus Christ .

The Mystery of God does not allow us to see the light in the eyes of the body, because if we visemos would definitely stay blind at the time, but with the eyes of Spirit is possible to see, but even so God allowed man also saw a tiny fraction of that light, as were some reports in the Holy Scripture as the face of Moses, as the face of Stephen, and the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, even by fleshly eyes saw the light in them. 

Matthew - Chapter 17 - The Transfiguration - Jesus Christ was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light.
Exodus - 34 verses 29-35 - Moses' face shines - It happened as Moses coming down from Mount Sinai (Moses with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand when he came down the hill), and noes Moses knew that the skin of his face shone while he talked with God.

And looking, as Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; so afraid to come nigh him.

So Moses finished speaking with them, and had put a veil over his face.
Thus, they saw the Israelites Moses 'face, and shone the skin of Moses' face: And Moses returned by the veil over his face until he went in to talk to (God).

Brothers, these verses are reported Moses to speak to the people who had a veil over her face for fear (fear) that people had the radiance of his face.

Cor II - Chapter 3, 7, 8
And if the ministry of death, engraved in letters of stone, came in glory, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, which was transient, as no will be the greater glory of the Spirit's ministry.

Brothers Today we are no longer in the transitional ministry, according to the law, and he was predestined only to Jews, but we're in the Ministry of the Holy Spirit Comforter, given by Jesus Christ in his Gospel tells us: There shall leave you alone, but will send to you the Holy Ghost the Comforter who had guided you into all truth. This new Ministry opened for Humanity and the Jews a multitude of possibilities and Light.

Psalm - Chapter 122, 6
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Church of Christ): prosper that love thee.

Brethren, let us pray that there Espirito da Paz, by doing so that others are praying for the Peace of the Church of Jesus Christ together, we will be praying through the Tabernacle of Jesus Christ, who will be praying for the Body of God (the Father) who is still forming on earth.And the Holy Spirit says: 
Prosper all those who love the Church of Christ.

Brothers to heresies because the antichrist. We want to make clear that when we use the word God, we are talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The One God. The God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

That the entire Gloria, that all honor the entire Empire, and majesty, are given to Jesus Christ and God (Father) by all the centuries and centuries of eternity, Amen.

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