
quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

Mysteries of God (Father) and Jesus Christ.

Brothers, seek the presence of Jesus Christ, for it to be revealed in us, and so we can learn to hear your voice, so that we can understand the words of his teachings.

To receive Jesus Christ's presence, we have to be getting inside of us the presence of the spirit of the righteousness of God and practice what Jesus Christ taught us (Love your brother as yourself) with the practice of this phrase in our lives, will be developing in our souls the presence of the spirit of the love of God in us, that is the spirit that leads us to receive the presence of Jesus Christ.

Brothers we gotta get out of our spiritual simplicity, and in apossarmos the presence of the spirit of Discernment of God, let us therefore examine them at any time to be in the path of light, in the presence of the spirit of the fear of God (Father) because this is the condition to receive the presence of Jesus Christ in us. (The dark Path – path of light, quoted in the word Meditation. The Power of God's spirit in us).

And teach our children, our children and young people to seek the presence of Jesus Christ.

Today all that I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God's Ministers, read the word and develop the gift of God in you, develop in your soul the presence of Jesus Christ in you and purchase through the presence of Jesus Christ, sage advice, purchase the gift of interpretation of the word of God, to understand its mysteries, understand the prophecies in the Bible, left for you and the people you Minister the word of God.

Have the presence of the spirit of the fear of God in us is the first to receive the presence of Jesus Christ in us, Jesus Christ told us: you cannot serve two masters. Brethren we have to understand that only we have the presence of Jesus Christ those who are in the path of light, because the darkness do not mix with the light, those who use the dark path to their vanities, cannot benefit from the presence of Jesus Christ.

Brothers are firmly in the path of light, in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and not let the presence of the spirit of the fear of God away from us who is the doctrine given by Jesus Christ.

And the presence of Jesus Christ in us, will lead us to Zion, the city of Heavenly Light to receive from God (the father) and Jesus Christ the Crown of everlasting life with Gloria, a new name for power and an incorruptible body.

Resist the path of darkness, with the power of the presence of the spirit of the fear of God in you, meditating at Holy Spirit Comforter at all times and let the Holy Spirit grant in your life: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene there is the presence of the spirit of the fear of God in you now and always.And this meditation scare away all evil away from you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene is full of the Holy Spirit now and always.And this meditation will fill your soul with the presence of the Holy Spirit of God (Father).

Let the Holy Spirit decreeing in his meditations other blessings in your life: in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene is filled with the Spirit of Wisdom God now and forever or spirit of righteousness of God or spirit of peace of God or Spirit of love of God or spirit of God's power.Do these Meditations and the light of God will shine every day every meditation more and more in you.

Seal, the path of darkness with time tips Man in this life, and causes it to fall in great anguish and afflictions, and holds their souls to the (2nd) second death (eternal suffering).

Jesus Christ invites to all mankind, come take me and I will pour upon you my holy spirit Comforter, and you do know the word of my God (Father), to free you of (2nd) second death (eternal suffering) and so does not fall upon you so great suffering.

And God (Father) by the Holy Spirit Comforter tells us: If we accept the Bible and keep in our hearts the advice contained in it, and if we stay tuned to the spirit of the fear of God (Father), walk in the path of light and put our whole soul devoted to receive the presence of Jesus Christ in us. The (Father) creator of the universe will fill our heart, our soul, our entire Being with the presence of Jesus Christ in us.

The presence of Jesus Christ in us is for all who are in the presence of the spirit of the fear of God. And we have the presence of Jesus Christ in us can we have the word of the Holy Spirit Comforter speaking of us, decreeing blessings into our lives, decreeing blessings for our home, our family, blessings decreeing decreeing blessings for our friends, enacting blessings for our country, enacting blessings to all mankind, without limits.

Seal-the presence of the spirit of the fear of God will keep us from the forces of Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness and evil seed that Lucifer has launched against us, the complex forces of our soul's deepest evil (evil Seed). And the presence of Jesus Christ will be the scent of heaven sense for our souls, right here on Earth.

Brothers there is a battle between the x-Body Soul, those who leave the path of light to walk down the path of darkness – the body takes advantage of the Way from darkness to rejoice, to take advantage of the next, the search for personal power, through seduction, by the preaching of everything can, all things are permitted these speeches sound good to our Body, but keep us concert one day made in heaven to God, not to touch of evil. Because mankind leans toward the (2nd) second death and the path of darkness lead to (2) Death.

Thus saith God (Father) don't forget to walk the path of light and keep with you the spirit of the fear of God, because by doing so I will give you eternal life with Gloria and here on Earth, my spirit of peace. And that's with you for all eternity my spirit of love and My spirit of Fear.

Thus saith God (Father) and don't trust his knowledge material, do not be wise in your own eyes, but the way of aparta-Darkness, it will heal the soul and the body. And my spirit of love in you, help all the needy with your rent. And I I will multiply the material blessings in your life, I will multiply your income, I will multiply my blessing upon you. And will give you greater Bliss yet and will fill your heart more and more with the presence of my beloved son.

Brothers humanity, much of happiness throughout the world. And God (Father) tells us: Happy is the man who is my beloved son Jesus Christ, the man who acquires the presence of my son Jesus Christ itself, because you can find Jesus Christ, its value is greater than any power or any wealth that may have on Earth.

Brothers with the presence of Jesus Christ in us, we might have honor and Riches in this life. He leads us down the path of light and the way of the spirit of the peace of God is eternal life for sure for everyone that acquire and happiness on Earth and eternal happiness in the mystery of the Union of man with God (Father) Jesus Christ and (07) Wonderful and powerful Spirits of God into one Tabernacle.

Seal-Brother's wonderful find with Jesus Christ and more wonderful is retain Jesus Christ in the heart.

Brothers all over the Universe, everything that we can see and imagine the Universe, God created with the presence of Jesus Christ with him.

The spirit of Jesus Christ tells us: the curse of God (Father) will fall on the soul of those who are in the path of darkness, but the soul of those who are in the path of light, God (Father) will bless you.

Brothers the path of light, not at the same time, the path of light is gradually, as is the daybreak so is the path of light, the Sun is dawning light lightens, the sun goes up the light increases until it reaches the zenith point (perfect day). So are we in the presence of God (Father) with the presence of the spirit of the fear of God, we're walking in the path of light and agree that we treading this path of light, Jesus Christ shine more and more of us, until we reach the stature of (Pole perfect). The spiritual zenith.

God (Father) tells us: listen carefully to what my son tells them, and He obeys, accept the danger alerts that speaks to your soul, and retain in you the presence of my son Jesus Christ. Because Satan with his lips liars make nice speeches, you sell the lie as truth, and what he offers are wonderful pleasures, but the end is the (2nd) second death (eternal suffering). Because Satan does not appreciate the path of light. Satan wants to take from you your biggest wealth. The Crown of eternal life.

Brothers we won't deliver to Satan our right to be Kings and Priests to participate of the Holy Union with God (Father) and Jesus Christ into one Tabernacle, so that Lucifer consumes with our entire spiritual wealth, and at the end we repent not having listened to the word of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who warned us.

Brothers we eat of the bread of Heaven which is the word of God (Father) and drink from the source of living water that comes from the throne of God and Jesus Christ is for us that we are in the spirit of the fear of God, and that our bread and our water are exclusively for us and not for Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness.

Seal-Brothers, by the power of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, to bless the water Fountain that spurts of our hearts Alive and alegremos with the fix that one day made in heaven with God (Father) not to touch the bad.

And why brothers, we attracted by Lucifer, and would deliver us to you flatter your speeches? Our path of light is in front of (07) seven spirits of God (Father), all-seeing, all-knowing the father, Jesus Christ and (07) Wonderful and powerful Spirits of God is what helps us Walk the path of light.

As for Lucifer the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness and its path of darkness is this same path, and with these same ropes made to get the children of the path of light, for she will be detained. Lucifer will die (2) death (eternal suffering) and by the excess of his madness is wrong until the end.

Brothers, let us accept the advice of Jesus Christ: Children are not lazy spiritually, so that they do not come upon you poverty in your soul, because Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness are lurking to steal your Crown of eternal life. Don't just stand there, but get the spirit of the love of God to the next in the form of material goods to meet their needs or in Spiritual form by your prayers and meditations, and stop by the Holy Spirit Comforter spiritual and material blessings to the next in secret, and all-seeing God will reward you here on Earth with great spiritual and material blessings. Sow the spirit of love of God on Earth and you colhêreis eternal life with Glory in heaven. That it's not another if the mystery of the Union com (Father) + (Jesus Christ) + (Man) in one body.

How we were raised by God (Father) one day in heaven as Jesus Christ was also raised by God (Father) for this reason Jesus Christ is our elder brother.

God (Father) bore me. me Jesus Christ at the beginning of my ways. The billions and billions of billions of years ago in the beginning when God (Father) was aware of its existence the (Father) I yielded. I exist before their older works, that means before there was the creation of the universe I Jesus Christ had already been raised by God (Father).

Jesus Christ tells us: I was chosen for this great blessing of belonging to the Tabernacle of God (Father). As you also were chosen. Before they created the heavens, before they created the fountains of living water. The Lord possessed me in the beginning of his ways, and before his older works. From eternity was anointed, since the beginning, before the beginning of the Earth. I was with God (Father) and was his student: and it was every day their delicias, rejoicing before him all the time.

And the (parent) made me in his image and in the beginning when the (Father) led to their (07) seven Wonderful and powerful Spirits, was generated in me, for the mystery of Holy Union. These are the (07) seven spirits of God (Father) that was placed in me from the start: the spirit of wisdom, spirit of Discernment, spirit of the fear of God, spirit of love, spirit of Justice, spirit of Peace, Espirito Santo.

And Jesus Christ says: I have built and prepared an address for you here in heaven, I've prepared the (07) seven spirits of God (Father) which are the (07) seven columns of your new spiritual home here in heaven. I speak at home so that you may understand, but your home here is not of bricks or stones, nor any material that you know on earth that is used to build homes, this home is done in spirit and Light, similarly are the ornaments of the House, the ornaments of the House here, are the virtues differentiated from each light SpiritAnother difference, the House is not fixed as on Earth, here to where you go your housing goes along with you. Not in material form as thou knowest, but in a spirit of Light.

The Holy Spirit of God we say: Jesus Christ is the main raw material used in the construction of your home, and the foundations of your House in the sky are the foundations of the old and New Testaments, with all the sacrifices that were made by the prophets and Apostles, and through the sacrifice of every soul saved which is a gemstone alive of this Temple, being the greatest of all the sacrifices of Jesus Christ, in which all your building is well adjusted, and your stature growth pole is perfect to give you conditions be Holy Temple of God (Father). In which all the saved that day, will be (01) a Temple Built for a dwelling place of God (Father) in a spirit of Light.

Actually there are many ways and paths of the man possess riches on Earth and obtain for you big companies, banks, Malls, etc and turn it into a source of power, but he cannot with all its power and all his wealth to buy the presence of Jesus Christ in your heart.

Jesus Christ put an end to the path of darkness and evil, Jesus Christ examines thoroughly and maps all the evil to all Spirits of darkness and the shadow of suffering they cause humanity.

Is Jesus Christ who makes overflowing water sources alive until next of humanity. Men that are used by God (Father) of them manifested the word of God through the Holy Spirit Comforter, God withdraws from the bottom of their souls by the fire of purification precious jewels. These souls are the gems of God, the Sapphire and the purest gold in the eyes of God (Father).

The path of light that God (Father) has given as much value is ignored by the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness and are not seen by Lucifer. They never trod. The hand of God (Father) is in favour of the Man of God (Father) that fights for the presence of the spirit of the love of God on Earth and the (Father) remove the front Man of God from its root, hell and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness.

Of the human soul God (Dad) removes water Sources live to quench thirst of humanity and God's eye discovers in our souls all the precious things. And long live the water sources (Father) Dam lest a drop if you want to, and spouting water fountains Alive for those who are in the path of light and awakens the gifts are in the deep of our souls.

But where to find the presence of Jesus Christ?
Seal-the spirit of the fear of God is the beginning to be revealed Jesus Christ in our heart.

And where is the place of the Holy Spirit Comforter of God?
Seal-Culling the darkness that exist outside and inside of us is the condition to receive the Holy Spirit Comforter.

Humanity does not know the value of Jesus Christ. And you can't feel the presence of Jesus Christ and say: the presence of Jesus Christ is not in me. The mighty man's Psyche says: the presence of Jesus Christ is not with me. You can't buy or Exchange any fortune for her.

When you purchase the presence of Jesus Christ, the vanities of this world power and wealth pales, Who has Jesus Christ has no recollection of the vanities of this world.

Jesus Christ is hidden from the eyes of humanity and hidden to Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness. Hell says: we hear with our ears its fame.

God understands the way of Jesus Christ and know where he is, because God (Father) prove the (07) eyes that are the (07) spirits of God who sees everything and knows everything in the heavens and all that is under heaven. Where is the (Father) is the (Son) and where (Son) is the (Father).

Throughout the expansion of the universe created by God (Father) and shown to Humanity the work of his hands. What is in the path of light announces the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others come to the path of light. And it's revelations to the word of God that is shown, what other pass unveil other revelations of the mysteries of God (Father).

The output of the light of Jesus Christ is from one end of the heavens and their Light goes to the other end of the heavens and nothing can steal its luster that falls on all mankind.

The spirit of the righteousness of God is perfect and cools the soul of humanity. The works of God's hands are so that everyone can see, and the parent () fills with the presence of Jesus Christ to the pure in heart.

The Holy Spirit teaches us: Speak with Jesus Christ: I can't understand my own mistakes. Clean my soul and all my being of complex (Malignant Seeds) that are hidden, free my soul of pride, so I don't think I'm better than my next, and are pleasant to my prayer and my meditation of my heart before thy face, my Rock, my Liberator.

Brothers on the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God (Father) revealed to the heavens and the Earth that Jesus Christ has all power in heaven and on Earth and (07) Wonderful and powerful Spirits (Father) are entrusted to Jesus Christ. As we are talking about the things of heaven, we must understand that we are talking about light spirits that can blend and merge into one Tabernacle and separate agreement the will of Jesus Christ, everything exists as it was before the power to each of the (07) seven spirits of God (Father) which is wonderful for us, is that God (Father) entrusted the power of their (07) seven spirits to one of our species (humans) and this is Jesus Christ.

Brothers, we're in the (Father) connected by Jesus Christ who for us Jesus Christ is our God Spirit of wisdom, Jesus Christ is our God spirit of Righteousness, Jesus Christ is our God Spirit Insight, Jesus Christ is our God spirit of love, Jesus Christ is our God spirit of Peace, Jesus Christ is our God Spirit of the fear of GodJesus Christ is our God the Holy Spirit. Because everything was contained within Jesus Christ from the beginning.

As Jesus Christ received for free from (Father) the (07) seven spirits of God, we are delivering in a living sacrifice to Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ tells us: I also give you free dos (07) seven spirits that have been entrusted by the (Father).

Brothers, I will use the material to explain the spiritual, to explain how it operates the light spirits, as is the phenomenon of the Sun which is matter, being in a fixed point can radiate your light at the same time in your city and in many other cities, so are the light spirits, being fixed in our Lord Jesus Christ canfor example: the spirit of the love of Jesus Christ be in millions of hearts in Japan and at the same time be in millions of hearts in Brazil and in millions of hearts in China and in millions of hearts around the world at the same time. This is the mystery we are one day in heaven in one body with the (Father) (Jesus Christ) (Seven powerful spirits) (the prophets, the Apostles and All the saved) and be secured with Jesus Christ and at the same time deliverance taking at the same time, along with us our home for many places in the universe and at the same time.
The brothers for change that gloria by you flatter of Lucifer?

Romans, Chapter 16 verses 25 Well, one who is able to confirm you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ as the revelation of the mystery which since time eternal was hidden.
Here the Holy Spirit reveals through the Apostle Paul that God had kept it for the mystery about Jesus Christ, since the eternal times hidden with God (Father).

Corinthians, Chapter 1 verses 21, 24, 30 Seen as the wisdom of God (spirit of the wisdom of God) the world hasn't met the God for his Wisdom (spirit of the wisdom of God) pleased God save the believers by the foolishness of preaching. But for those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, they preach Christ, power of God (the Spirit power of God) and wisdom of God (spirit of the wisdom of God). But you are him, in Jesus Christ, which was done by God Wisdom (spirit of the wisdom of God) and justice (Spirit of the righteousness of God) and sanctification, and redemption.
Here the Holy Spirit reveals through the Apostle Paul that God had sent Jesus Christ as Wisdom, (spirit of the wisdom of God) but the Humanity, he didn't know him. And lower places that Jesus Christ was made the wisdom of Spirit God, and that Jesus Christ was made the righteousness of God's spirit. Brothers, Jesus Christ was made the (07) seven spirits of God (Father) from the start. Were already entrusted in hidden in Jesus Christ.

Colossians, Chapter 1, verses 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26 Which is (Jesus Christ) image of the invisible God, the firstborn (the First) of all creation. For in him were created all things in the heavens and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, dominations, principalities are are are powers, everything was created by him (Jesus Christ) and for him (Jesus Christ). And is He (Jesus Christ) before all things, and all things subsist for him (Jesus Christ). And He (Jesus Christ) is the head of the Church is the beginning and the firstborn from the dead, so that everything has preeminence (That Jesus Christ be above all). Was pleases the (Father) that all the fullness it inhabited. The mystery which has been hidden from all ages, and in all generations, and which has now been manifest to his saints.
Here the Holy Spirit reveals through the Apostle Paul that Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, who stayed hidden in the (Father) for centuries and centuries, which now is revealed first of all creation, who in the first century of his conscience, God God generated an be your image and that is Jesus Christ and that all the fullness (07) seven Wonderful and powerful Spirits of God on it inhabited. And that by themselves the principalities and the Powers of the heavens were created by Jesus Christ. And that Jesus Christ is the articulator of whole body intelligence of God to which we are a part.

Colossians, Chapter 2, verses 2.3 So that your hearts be comforted, and are United in charity, (Spirit of the love of God) and enriched the fullness of intelligence, (spirit of the wisdom of God) to the knowledge of the mystery of God – Jesus Christ, in which are hidden all the treasures of wisdom (spirit of the wisdom of God) and science.
Here the Holy Spirit reveals through the Apostle Paul that all the treasures of science of God are contained and entrusted to Jesus Christ and confirming once again that the spirit of the wisdom of God when was generated was generated in Jesus Christ.

Ephesians, Chapter 3, verses 9, 10, 11 And show everyone which is mystery dispensation, which since the centuries been hidden in God, who created everything; For now, the Church, the manifold wisdom of God (spirit of the wisdom of God) is known to the principalities and powers of heaven, according to the eternal purpose which made in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Here the Holy Spirit reveals through the Apostle Paul that God is sharing with Christians the principalities and powers of heaven the mystery Multiforme, which is what the heavens knew as spirit of the wisdom of God is Jesus Christ, and the spirit of the wisdom of God was raised in Jesus Christ, second what pleased to (Father) have done to (Son).

Mysteries of God
Brothers, God (Father) when generated other species of beings in the heavens as: Powerful Angels, Archangels, Cherubs (Angels of powerful light), Seraphim and humans, God placed Princes to govern and hierarchies of power agree that God (Father) has given each. But no Prince and no Authority of Heaven who attributed great powers, revealed the Multiforme Jesus Christ (i.e., several forms of power, that Jesus Christ Held in the heavens and the Earth). And the parent () hid itself for centuries and centuries the Multiform Mystery of Jesus Christ, as it pleased him, and also the mystery that Jesus Christ was already with him (Dad), since the beginning of creation, and that Jesus Christ was the firstborn, i.e. the first, both of creation, but also the firstborn to be generated the image of God (Father). Jesus Christ was invisibly beside God (Father) and manifested itself in various ways according to the works that God (Father) sent him to perform, and the (Dad) used of Jesus Christ in the heavens to perform works with other shapes and with other names, as also did on Earth, by sending Jesus Christ as Master (Melchizedek priesthood) of (father Abraham) initiator of the work of God on Earth. These Mysteries remained to the last mission of Jesus Christ, sent by God (Father) on Earth as Jesus Christ, and after his death and resurrection, only there was revealed the mystery of the origin of the life of Jesus Christ. Because until then Jesus Christ for all Celestial and terrestrial beings was a man who had been chosen by God, to be sent to Earth for performing a work.
Genesis, chapter 14, verse 18, 19 And Melchizedek, King of Salem brought bread and wine, and that was a priest of God most high. And he blessed him, and said: Blessed be the most high God, Abraham the possessor of heaven and Earth.
Psalms, chapter 110, verses 1, 4 Saith the Lord (God) to my Lord (Jesus Christ). Based on my right hand, until I put your enemies (Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness) by footstool of your feet. Sworn to the Lord God (Father) to Jesus Christ, and don't regret: you are a Priest Forever according to the order Melchizedek .
Hebrews, Chapter 7 Because this Melchizedek, who was King of Salem, priest of the most high God, and I go out to meet Abraham when he was returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him. To whom also Abraham gave a tenth of everything, and first is, by interpretation King of Righteousness (spirit of righteousness of God) and then also King of Salem, which is King of Peace (spirit of peace of God). Without father, without mother, without genealogy, without beginning of life, or end of life, but being done similar to the Son of God, remains a priest forever. Consider, because how great was this, to whom even the Patriarch Abraham gave the tithes of the spoils. Now without any contradiction, the smallest and blessed by the greater. Because He still (Patriarch Abraham) was still in the drum of his father when Melchizedek met came out.
Brothers, Melchizedek brought bread and wine to Abram to fulfill the Holy Commandment of the Lord's Supper that was to come, ye shall eat this bread is my body and drink this wine is My Blood, so that the (father Abraham) founder of God's work on Earth was connected in spirit to the new testament that was to come. After the own God (Father) speaks to Jesus Christ he is the Eternal order Priest Melchizedek. Later in Hebrews the Apostle Paul revealed by the Holy Spirit puts that Melchizedek is the Priest of the most high (God. Father). Testifying that Melchizedek was greater than (father Abraham) putting the less is blessed by the greater. Putting that He was King of Justice Melchizedek (spirit of righteousness of God) and King of peace (spirit of peace of God) that the spirits of God (Father) were already entrusted in Melchizedek (Christ Jesus himself at work on Earth) After Melchizedek presents without father or mother, and without relatives, without children and without old age, but as a person that came already as an adult on Earth, and that the Patriarch Abraham as a child still loaded by your father, Melchizedek came to the meeting. It sure was his spiritual master in childhood, youth and adulthood the (Patriarch, father Abraham).

John, Chapter 8, verse 56, 57, 58 Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and rejoiced. they said, because the Jews: still don't have fifty years, and have you seen Abraham? Jesus said to them, verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was I am.
Here Brothers, Jesus Christ speaks of the great joy of Abraham had when I heard that (Jesus Christ) Melchizedek reveals itself to him as Son of God. That this revelation was hidden between the Son of God (Father) Jesus Christ and Abraham.

Brothers this article is not a prayer, but having a chance to read it yet, please do so at least once a day and a great light, a strong Light was in his soul and his brilliance came to the heavens.

Path of darkness
Path of light
Spirit of the righteousness of God
Criticize the next
Love to help others
Speak ill of the next
Pray for the next
Doing work for evil
Meeting with the brothers, prayer as well.
Envious of the prosperity of the next
Happy with the prosperity of the next
Fear, Fear
Courage, Strength
Spirit of peace of God
Selfishness, do for you.
Solidarity, do to the next.
Lie is transitory
Truth is eternal
Body wishes
Desires of the soul p/serve Jesus
The World, Earth.
Heaven, Heavenly Siam.
Nervous, Tense
Calm, Serene
Outburst of emotions
Control of emotions
Earth Science
Spirit of the wisdom of God
Discernment of spirit God
Disrespect to God
Spirit of the fear of God
Temporal Prosperity
Eternal Prosperity
Act unconscious by complex.
Act consciously by Ego
Dwell on the past
Freedom of soul for the future
Sadness of the flesh
Joy of the soul
The law of charge
The law of forgiveness
Transmute in perfect
Destructive Thinking
Constructive Thinking
Persistence in Meditation
Fix attention body wishes
Fix attention (7) spirits of God
Negative Soul
Positive Soul
Meditate Disruption of life
Meditate, feel the presence of God.
Attitude of Revenge
Attitude of forgiveness
Time, Distance
There is no time or Distance

Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Holy, Holy, Holy is God and Jesus Christ for all the centuries, centuries of eternity, Amen.

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