Who is our God? What is the plan of our God?
Our God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
When the sons of Jacob had a mission impossible, they clamored so: o God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is with us in this battle, our enemy, they are outnumbered, they are bigger than us, they are stronger than us, they have better weapons than ours. The God of Jacob answered do not fear them, I will deliver it into your hand.
Brothers no son of Jacob died in battle.
Brother you're not going to die, we don't fight not against the flesh, or the blood, but against the spiritual hosts of wickedness.
The order brother is the imitation of Jesus Christ, when the legions of demons asked to let pigs and Jesus said: go, he entered and will fall into the abyss if not expelled devil, talking out of it, but: I command you Abyss in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene the son of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
When asked by Moses to God what is his name, so I tell those who ask me, the Lord God said, "I am who I am".
The God of Jacob responded with Spirit of wisdom, because if he had given a name, Today we would have thousands of images with your name below.
The image is nothing, if it is paper, tears, if she is, breaks, if it is of wood, catches fire and burns, if it is metal merges and it melts as the word of the God of Jacob, she wasn't there, don't talk, don't you see.
Brother is not simple in this respect, we recall what the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob said: You are not doing a worship of an image, but a cult of demons, after an image has a legion of demons.
How are brothers miracles that happen, the spells, the spells, protection spells, curse spells like a sorcerer Balaam and was very well paid for it, because the Kings called him? Because he had already shown his power in witchcraft vary times, whom he blessed was blessed, whom he cursed was cursed. Or the use of necromancy, that is, talk to the dead, as did King Saul when he asked to call the witch Priest Samuel.
Who gives this power to men? Who gives this power to the wizards? For what teaches us in the word of the God of Jacob, the Holy Bible are the demons.
And this is considered an abomination by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For our God!
There are thousands of gods worshipped by humanity, in different countries, Zeus is god, the architect of the universe is god, the goat is god, Satan is god, Devil is god, Lucifer is god, the Money is god, fallen angels are gods, Priapus is fertility god, Oludum is goddess of love, Aphrodite, Goddess of love, Guan Yu is god of war, Ares is god of war If we cite all the gods would fill hundreds of pages and pages with names of gods.
That's why sometimes we brothers our God only of God, when we are in impossible questions like to specify to show that God is beseeching in our prayer and then us with unspeakable groan guided by the Holy Spirit, we call: o God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob comes to our rescue. Claims Brother and He will hear you!
Who is our God?
Our God is Spirit. Our God is light. Our God is Holy! Our God is Real!
Our God is the creator of the heavens and the Earth, Our God is the creator of (7) seven spirits governing the glory of God!
All, the seven (7) spirits of God, have the same importance, same value, same height, all were students of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, for millennia, while one speaks, the other (6) spirits of God are quiet, working together, with the same purpose, with the same plan, and never one contradicts the other. They are symbolized by gold lampstand hit seven (7) lamps, in the Tabernacle of the Lord God of Jacob, revealed by God to Moses.
Brothers understand the revelation. All I had in the tabernacle on Earth at the time of Moses, there in heaven, but not everything that's in the Tabernacle in heaven was in the Tabernacle of the Earth.
Because the gold lampstand, worked with the hammer and fire, because that's how the Lord God worked her seven (7) Spirits, for thousands of years were his students, worked and shaped by the hands of our Creator God.
Brother God also is working for you and I reach the stature of Perfect Rod, glory to God!
Spirit of love , without which no one enters heaven!
Discerning spirits with him were able to view the possession of evil in man and his real, real intention.
Spirit of Justice without him it is impossible to please God.
Spirit of power , God created the heavens, the Earth, the celestial luminaries, the angels, the archangels, the Cherubim and Seraphim, to him God created man and separated a part of its creation as his inheritance.
He has a plan with those who have been separated for their heritage, made them Kings and Priests, put a MITRE on their heads, and a strip of gold written in Mitra "Holy is the Lord". And today he's telling you brother: I want you my son, part of my body in the sky!
Spirit of Peace , that Jesus Christ the Nazarene, and the raging sea, devastating the boat with big storm, the disciples already perishing, called Master helps us. Jesus Christ the Nazarene raising his hands to the heavens said: there is Peace, and there was peace and the winds sessaram the waves was censured, and there was a great calm.
Brother is going through a big storm, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he says, there's no peace in your life! Chalk and see the glory of God! I was young, and now am old, but never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
Spirit of wisdom , That Wisdom that Solomon son of David, was sleeping and you came in a dream and said: what do you want me to do, and he didn't ask nor Silver nor Solomon gold, Solomon asked the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Lord of wisdom to know in and out in the middle of your people. And what do you know, that there was no one wiser than Solomon before or after him and with the spirit of wisdom came to the earthly riches, in Kings is written that he received from other kingdoms 18 tons of gold per year, not counting other gifts.
Remember brother that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added.
Holy Spirit , That Jesus Christ the Nazarene child of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob said: I do not leave you alone, but will send you the Holy Spirit Comforter!
What is the plan of our God?
Be open to our mind in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the weather, there is no time, hours, days, months, years, centuries, for our God, in the time of our God of Jacob (1) a billion years is as one day and a day like (1) billion years!
Our God can have on your plans milhões Spirit, but here we speak of God's plan of Jacob, the God that we plan involves, which involves the Man.
Exists from eternity a war between good and evil, before the existence of the universe, our creator the God of Jacob, has been agreed with the good, but also the power of evil existed, exists and will exist for eternity.
Who's in the right, not condoning evil, as light is not condoning the darkness. Our God's plan is a war declared against evil.
Brother always choose the good, the truth always, always love, always justice.
Who choose evil, lying, injustice or who do not choose nor good, nor evil, those will be reserved for your soul as eternal home the Kingdom of Hades.
There our God begins his journey and creates the seven (7) Spirits, their first seven (7) students, and are perfected by the fire and are tested by water, are carved by the hands of God.
God creates the first of the universe, his only begotten son and free places him his seven (7) mighty spirits, but does not reveal, nor to heaven that would create, nor Earth, nor the spirit of evil his greatest masterpiece (Opus Dei) (work of God), the first of a great generation who would come after him, he's your Brother Brother , my Brother, our older brother the resemblance of the Almighty. Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! To our God!
Brother, did not reveal his plan to the enemy!
All our God's plan, he then creates the heavens, Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim and all celestial beings as their species.
God creates an army to fight against the evil spirit.
The evil spirit enters the heavens and offers his power, as he did with Jesus Christ, and offered him everything. Become the devil take you now to a lot too high. And showed him all the kingdoms of the world in all its splendour. And proposed to Jesus: "all this I will give you if fall down and worship me".
The spirit of evil tempts our Lord Jesus Christ, but managed to seduce the main Cherub of God (Lucifer) and he gave kingdoms of the world in all its splendour.
Brother resist any more seductive offer!
Hold your right to participate in the Plan of God, and God's plan is that we participate of the body of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is written by the Holy Spirit. The Father (God) is the head and Christ is the body, Christ is the Head and the Church is the body.
Brother search and you will understand the mysteries of God.
What is God's plan?
God creates the Man (Adam) does your likeness in spirit, this Spirit is agreed, United with God's spirit and be one.
It's a wonderful Plan of God, God, the son of man and the Man one! From glory to God for God give us this promise, if we are steadfast and faithful to God, he will fulfill that promise in us.
Adam was seduced by evil spirit, which offered him power, offered him wisdom, offered him be equal to God, the tempting offer to be a God! Brother you could resist such an offer?
Adam couldn't resist this meant that he sinned, and that sin is called original sin. What is original sin? Is that the life of Adam's sin, this means that the blood of Adam's sin, and all that is generated by this blood, he is born with his blood (life) in sin.
Born Cain, son of Adam, the sin was already in the blood (life) of Cain, and he kills Abel. Cain is cursed and leaves the presence of Adam and he takes with daughters of Adam and generates a nation of souls in the land of their ancestry.
Adam live 930 years and sons and daughters and their children are born generations, kingdoms and people on all the Earth.
God helps the Man, sending his angels materialized in the flesh to teach the man who had in his blood the sin, he turns away and walks in the well, and serve and seeks the God and God would give him the strength to which they practiced good.
The spirit of evil tempts the angels on Earth, showing them all the power they could have on the Earth, to govern the world, possess women and make men their slaves, because such as celestial being would not die on Earth. Better to be King in the land of that servant in heaven.
The blood of our ancestors no longer was pure, that is, (it wasn't Holy as our God is holy) and as he had done in the beginning God Adam.
God had hope in your plan and took a generation, the generation of (Seven) son of Adam to be his, and her run your plan and get her out of there pure souls to his plan of Union: of the father, the Son and the man who now call the Church man.
The genetics of this Union, Angel and the daughters of men, gave the Nephilim (the word means the fallen) that are the Giants cited in the Bible, had time to 3 to 4 meters, more agile and more intelligent than our ancestors and for this reason the subdued.
Brother does not exist the word genetics and DNA, those words in the Bible, but the truth is that we had two on Earth, two genetic DNA, our ancestors (Man) and the Nephilim. It was called the Giants, mighty men, winners that subdued our species, leading us to our extinction.
Brother in this moment in history we believe that God's plan fell apart.
Brother, let us learn from the God of Jacob, the plan continues what moves are the strategies along the way. Glory to God!
What is God's plan?
The Nephilim and their parents the angels, have taken over the Earth, totally dominated our species man.
God thought about a way out of your plan, I'm going to get the bad blood and make a generation of blood, destroy any living soul and shot a man in the generation of (Seven) that has the Spirit of the fear of God and the Earth repovoarei.
God always has a plan for his life Brother!
At that time God chooses to Noah (fair and God fearing Man) and his family, and a mission to Noah building the Ark and flood over all the Earth, as we know in the Scriptures of the Bible.
To spend many months the water is lowered and Noah and his family after year 01, leaving the Ark to all 08 people: Noah, his sons Shem, Japheth and his wife and the wives of his sons.
Great, Excellent! Everything solved.
Brother watch when it appears that everything's okay, remember what Jesus Christ said: Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation; the spirit, in fact, is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Here we have the dog episode son of Noah, Dog his youngest son of Noah the disrespect and seeing Noah the other day the Dog and his grandson son of Canaan Dog, open their spiritual eyes and see that generations to come of Dog and kids would be with the infected blood, blood of the Nephilim, and curses the Dog generation in figure of Canaan his grandson.
At this moment in history we believe that God's plan fell apart again.
God changes the script, change the actions and persists in his plan. Glory to the Lord God of Jacob!
God separates Without son of Noah for his inheritance to her taking the brave souls for your plan.
Each saved soul brothers, which is dedicated to every soldier of the God of Jacob, fight against demons and 11,000 put them to run! In the word of God is written: 1000 fall at your side, and 10000 to your right, but you're not going to get you. Praise be to the God of Jacob!
Brother believe and see the power of the God of Jacob! And remember what God says: I (God) will deliver in your hand!
The descendants of Shem son of Noah, God takes Abraham:
When Abraham was born, had been 292 years of flood. Noah Died 58 years after the birth of Abraham with 950 years.
Without had 448 years
Arpachshad's sons had 348 years
Salah had 313 years
Eber had 283 years
Peleg died 10 years before with 239 years
Reú had 219 years
Serug was 187 years
Nahor died 09 years before with 148 years
Tera had 128 years
Abraham had 58 years
This is the seed that God take Abraham to realize his plan. Abraham
Brother is slowly God's plan of Jacob, opens the mind Brother, remember the beginning of the word, in God's time too fast. Gloria, Hallelujah, Praise to the God of Jacob!
Tera father of Abraham by problems of persecution left Abram home of Noah and Abraham stayed for 39 years, and Abraham met the Lord since three years ago, and walked in the ways of the Lord, until the day of his death, as Noah and his son Shem, and they teach you so walked in the fear of God understand and moving away from idolatry.
And, and all children of the Earth in those days have transgressed against the Lord, and they rebelled against him and served other gods, and have forgotten the Lord who created on Earth.
And the inhabitants of the Earth have made for themselves, at that time, each to his god, gods of wood and stone, who could not even speak, hear, or RID, and the children of men the served and they have become their gods.
And the King and all his servants, and Tera father of Abraham, with all his house, were the first of those who have served gods of wood and stone.
And Tera father of Abraham, had twelve gods, made of wood and stone, as the twelve months of the year, and he served as each monthly, every month.
Tera brought his supply of cereals and libation to the gods; so did Tera every day. And that whole generation was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and they so did each your god, but despised the Lord God who had created.
And in those days was not found man throughout the land, to meet the Lord (because they were each their own god), except for Noah and his house, and all those who were under its Board, knew the Lord in those days.
And Abram, son of Terah, was to strengthen much in those days the House of Noah, and nobody knew about it, and the Lord was with him.
And the Lord gave Abram a sympathetic heart, and he knew that all the works of that generation were vain, and that all their gods were vain and of no value.
God to execute his plan had to exterminate the Earth Nephilim blood, because if I didn't do it would exterminate the Nephilim with the kind Man, creature made in the image of God's spirit.
When brothers meet the Nephilim demons on Earth in spirits the order of recent times is Abyss! Lutareis not against flesh and blood, but against against the spiritual hosts of wickedness. By the spirit of the power of the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and in the name of your Son Jesus Christ the Nazarene order Abyss! Holy, Holy, Holy is our God!
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, fear not, Abram, I am your shield, your very great reward.
Then Abram said, Lord God, what wilt give me, because I'm childless, and the steward of my house is the Dalai Eliézer?
Abram said: Behold, I have given children, and behold one born in my house will be my heir.
And behold, the word of the Lord came to him saying: This will not be your heir; but the one who of thy bowels out, this will be your heir.
Then took him outside and said, Look now to the heavens, and count the stars, if you can tell. And said unto him, so shall thy seed.
And he believed in the Lord, and impute it to him for righteousness.
I told him more: I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it.
And he said, Lord GOD, how do I know that I shall inherit it?
And said unto him, Take me a heifer of three years old, and a she-goat of three years old, and a RAM of three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
And brought him all these, and left them in the Middle, and after each of them in front of the other; but the birds didn't.
And the birds came down on the carcasses; Abram, however, the'd ride.
And if the Sun, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, great surprise and great darkness fell upon him.
Then he said to Abram: Know certainly that Pilgrim will be thy seed on the ground, and will be reduced to slavery, and is distressed by 400 (400) years,
But I won't judge the nation, to which she has to serve, and then come out with great wealth.
And you will go to your fathers in peace; in good old age you will be buried.
And the fourth generation will make it here; because the extent of the injustice of the Amorites is not yet full.
And it came to pass, the Sun, there was darkness, and here's a smoke oven, and a torch of fire that went through those halves.
That same day the Lord made a Covenant with Abram, saying: to your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates;
And the queneu, and the kenizzite, and the cadmoneu,
And the Hittite, and the perizeu, and the refains,
And the amorite, and the Canaanite, and the girgasites, and the jebusite.
All these generations described above are of the sons of Dog, all the cities that generated and his men, women and children with tainted blood, mixed with those of the Nephilim. God had in his plan to take the Nephilim to extinction.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the twelve (12) Patriarchs, as we know in the Bible the Patriarch Abraham in the figure of Jacob and his twelve (12) children rise for Egypt by God's permission and are as God prophesied to Abraham avia are hostages of the Egyptians by 400 (400) years.
God raises to Moses to take the people of God to their heritage of slavery and with the strong hand of God, Moses takes the people of Egypt.
Brother, God with a strong hand will get you out of the race and of Hades and get you free! Holy, Holy, Holy, and the God of Jacob.
Moses of the tribe of Levites and the sons of Jacob already numbered 600,000 Men plus women and children exceeded 1,500,000 people, when they reached the promised land.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
Sends men who spied on the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel; of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man, every one a Prince among them.
And Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran, according to the order of the Lord; all those men were heads of the children of Israel.
And they told him, and said: we went to the land to which you sent us; and truly mana milk and honey, and this is its fruit.
Then went to the Valley of Eshcol, and cut off a branch to see with a bunch of grapes, which brought two men, on a stick; as also of pomegranates and figs.
The Nephilim brothers already had knowledge of the genetics of fruit to make vineyards with bunches of grapes they needed two men to load.
They called that place the Valley of Eshcol, because of the bunch that cut the children of Israel.
The people, however, who live on this earth is powerful, and the fortified towns and large; and also there we saw the children of Anak. Anak is a Biblical character whose name means "long neck". Is the father of enaquins, described as the Giants.
The Amalekites dwell in the land of the South; and the Hittites, and the jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the mountain; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and along the Jordan.
Then Caleb did shut the people before Moses, and said, Surely we're going up and will seize on inheritance; because surely will prevail against it.
However, the men who with he rose said: we can't go up against the people, because it is stronger than us.
And the land we had 32 spied, saying to the children of Israel: the Earth, which is why we spent spying on you, is land that consumes their residents; and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature.
We also saw there giants, sons of Anak, descendants of the Giants; and we were in our eyes like grasshoppers, and so we were in their eyes.
Brothers see what's written in the Bible: is land that consumes their residents, the Nephilim in addition to maintaining our ancestors Man into submission, also had the practice of cannibalism.
Here comes in two (2) Men who trust in the God of Jacob, Joshua and Caleb, and convinced the people children of Jacob, that it is possible to defeat the Giants the Nephilim.
The order's God to Moses to that of order to the army of 600,000 men, Jacob to enter the cities of Nephilim. And God said: I will deliver in your hands! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Jacob.
Then the Lord said to Joshua: fear not, and do not be dismayed; take with you all the people of war, and arise, go up to Ai; you have given your hand the King of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land.
Are you going to do to Ai and her King, as you did to Jericho. In Jericho were killed, all men, women and children.
Brothers here for Spirit of wisdom from God that is not understood to this day, the extinction of the Nephilim, Men, Women, Kids and Babies, all that might have infected blood with the Nephilim.
The whole world says: God is evil, God sends to kill a baby, God sends to kill poor little babies.
Don't know how they (World) that if the God of Jacob hadn't acted so today they, us (Man) wouldn't be here because I'd be an endangered species. Joshua and the children of Jacob set out to confront the Nephilim and the time of Joshua, God gave the children of Jacob, thirty-one (31) cities belonging to the Nephilim. And they all fell to the edge of the sword Men, women and children as God had given to Moses.
And these were the cities which were allocated between the twelve (12) tribes of Jacob.
David killed the giant Goliath and his brave men of his army killed the last two of the offspring of Nephilim, a brother of the giant Goliath and another as described in the Scriptures. And so the Nephilim were driven to extinction on Earth. And God fulfills a part of your plan.
The Man still needs a pure blood, because blood carries the original sin of Adam. God with great mercy and willing to put your plan in front for salvation of man. God sends his only begotten son to this earth.
With the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and given to man two main sacraments for salvation and redemption of souls to the God of Jacob. And say Jesus Christ the Nazarene: Father (God of Jacob) none was lost except the son of perdition!
And is established in Christianity first Sacrament baptism aware that means death and resurrection in Jesus Christ, the old man (Adam), is born the new man in Jesus Christ. With the Holy Blood as our God is holy. And the 2nd Sacramento the last supper where after prayer the wine into the blood of Jesus Christ and the bread is transformed into the body of Jesus Christ.
We are now with our blood pure and Holy as God made us in the first Saints to be able to participate in the Body of God who is Holy!
Now each man who dies within the doctrine of God, every soldier that dies within the doctrine of God, your body has expired for the last time, from her womb one soul as strength and brightness of lightning toward God in clouds of glory to join the Parent Union (God), Son (Jesus Christ) and the Man (Church) and the God of Jacob is performing your daily Plan. Honor , Gloria and praise be given to our God for all eternity, Amen!
Revelation given to: D3mons Days Oliboni. 12/4/2016
For that Word and Revelation can be copied, published, preached, advertised, printed, etc. The word of the God of Jacob, has no copyright.