Gloria praise to Jesus Christ
You Jesus Christ be given
honor gloria and praise forever.
Jesus Christ descended from
the race of men is called in the Scriptures (son of man) being a man was
created in power less than the angels, as all of its kind.
This Jesus Christ (Man)
dwelling in the heavens has always remained faithful to the laws of the Creator
and meditated on them all the time.
Jesus Christ among all men in
heaven was the only one who never let the fear of God she lacked in her heart.
Jesus Christ seeing men
corrupting in the heavens, remained steadfast and faithful to the Creator.
Jesus Christ had convinced
opinion that one day God stand up from his Throne and judge all his Holy
The enemies of Jesus Christ
multiplied in the sky and accused him and spoke to him that God does not hear,
wouldn't care about him and don't save the slights and humiliations of Lucifer
and his Princes (sons of Satan).
The Lord Jesus Christ by many
and often with anguish that took your whole being. the God asking for mercy and
cried out that the God sustains.
Jesus Christ cried out to God
in their prayers saying, Lord lead me in thy righteousness and light with the
light of thy face, and sustain me by the power of your Word, keep my ways and
free my soul of my enemies and save me for your great kindness.
My God, my God you are my
shield, you are a God who saves the upright of heart.
And Jesus Christ being reviled
and receiving blasphemies of Lucifer and his Princes, still was trying to
preach to us in heaven, as long as you let me be handled and guided by Lucifer
and paths until when will the paths of lies and vanity.
Offer sacrifices of
righteousness and trust in our God.
The man who does not repent
and return to the principles of the law of our Creator.
God has already prepared his
court to judge and honed his sword and your bow are already ready.
And our Creator has prepared
place (hell) with weapons to misery and beings without feeling that executed
the pains afflicted everyone turn against him.
God is the one who knows and
probe all hearts and their intent.
Every day Jesus Christ praised
and the God bendiziam, sang and salmodiava to our Creator words of praise.
We (Men in the sky) we didn't
listen to Jesus Christ the time has passed.
So the will of God came upon
all those who turned against the creator.
God created the universe of
expansive form
Even before its creation
I had purpose to every thing,
every creature.
Among his creations.
Are: archangels, Cherubim,
Seraphim, Angels and powerful Man.
The man when created in
heaven, despite being the lowest in power among the creatures of the creation
of God.
Were made for a great purpose
to take order creatures in heaven.
The cherubs angels of light of
great power and beauty. Among them is Lucifer who was given great power and
glory in the sky, including the power to generate.
As children of Satan in the
Lucifer for its power honor
and glory in the sky was as God's right hand. But its glory did he identify
with the image of God and suddenly started acting like God.
Began to subjugate all who
were in heaven and especially the weaker men.
Lucifer for all to obey and
honor and the glorificassem. He made everyone through their power they obeyed.
And God created all men obeyed
him and feared him and Lucifer was the great accuser of men and of angels and
Regent of all causes.
God as prophesying against
(Ezekiel 28) And the Lord said
in prophecy against Lucifer in heaven: you are the measure, sealer
Full of wisdom and perfect in
You were in Eden, the garden
God: every precious stone was thy covering, the Onyx, Jasper, the Sapphire, the
Emerald, and the Carbuncle, the gold, the work of your drums and fifes of yours
was in it; on the day you were created they were prepared.
You were anointed cherub to
protect and you settled on the holy mountain of God were in the middle of
afogueadas stones were.
Perfect were in thy ways from
the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in you.
On multiplication of your
trade if filled inside of violence, and you sinned by what you throw out of the
pile of desecrated God, and I will make you perish, o Cherub guardian between
afogueadas stones.
Increased your heart because
of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; Overland
you launched before the Kings sent you, so look for you.
By the multitude of thine
iniquities, by the iniquity of thy comercio have profaned the sanctuary; I,
because I did get out of the middle of a fire that consumed you, and made you
into ashes upon the Earth in the eyes of all who see you.
All who know you among the
peoples are amazed: in great amazement you have become, and will never be
And Lucifer saw their power
and wealth gloria threatened
And even before the creation
of man. Put a seed of evil, along with the seed of man's creation.
So God disappoints with the
creation of man.
And destroy and ends with this
When God saw his creation was
contaminated. Said: let the evil grows along with the soul of man.
And in a timely manner I
extirparei all evil.
Lucifer realized that his
power would diminish with gloria creation of man
Lucifer with great wit and
Continued to sabotage the
project of God to man
Lucifer and his Princes and
with all his might that had
He vanquished the God's
creatures (cherubs, Seraphs, Angels and mighty man) and the accused before God
all the time.
And everyone feared and obeyed
Lucifer for his evil purposes.
But among the creations of
God. A man who had not yielded pressures of Lucifer.
Terribly humiliated and
persecuted, because not bent to Lucifer. But remained in the laws of the
See this man God (Jesus
Christ) wondered. And led him to his Holy Tabernacle and said:
You are my son, today I have
begotten you, and ask me and I will give you the Nations for an inheritance.
And the ends of the Earth for
thy possession.
You esmigalharás them with a
rod of iron.
You the despedaçaras like a
Potter's vessel.
And was given by God to Jesus
Christ over all the Earth, and all men.
And God to clear the man of
all his evil. The withdrew from heaven Heaven (garden of Eden) where it was
And placed them in dust form,
Men of clay.
So that each reveal its value
and can return to heaven.
In their turn, all evil will
be excised.
Now Jesus Christ alongside
The man being cleansed in the
And with that the Princes
(sons of Lucifer) spoke ill of God and turned against the creator and his law
and gathered in Assembly of evil to plan against God and against Jesus Christ
his faithful follower.
God was ready to punish every
But Jesus Christ asked God as
God had offered.
Power over all Nations.
But he asked humbly now not
the Lord as God
But, Father save the Man (we
forgot about God and had been persuaded by Lucifer). Jesus Christ with his
immense love intervened in favour of us.
The father of a new
opportunity to redeem himself.
And the rest I know God made
man and gave him the opportunity be for firm and faithful to return to heaven,
as Kings and Priests.
No longer a man, but with a
new body new light. A new name of power, seeing the face of God as she is,
living in Siam in the Tabernacle of God's Heavenly, enjoy the river of joy that
passes through all Siam.
Jesus Christ being rich and
powerful in light in the sky made flesh, poor and suffered and died for us so
we give life, joy and the right to be rich in Zion.
Lucifer understood that God
does not change his plan.
God his throne Supreme and
Holy only watched
But not in intervia free will
of each one.
As God not intervened, Lucifer
was trying to preach to everyone in heaven that God didn't care about them it
was as if God were dead.
And with that the Princes
(sons of Lucifer) spoke ill of God and turned against the creator and his law
and gathered to plan against God
Apocalypse cap12- And there was the battle in heaven: Michael (Archangel) and his angels
battled against the Dragon (Lucifer) is his angels (spiritual Hosts of
But not prevailed nor more
your seat if found in the heavens.
And the great dragon was hasty
(Lucifer) that serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceives
everyone; He was hasty on Earth and his angels (spiritual Hosts of wickedness)
were released with him.
The great Red Dragon (Lucifer)
and his and his syrup took after himself, a third of the stars of Heaven
(Angels followers of Lucifer), and released them on the land.
And I heard a loud voice in
heaven, saying, ' Now's arrival to salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of
our God, and the power of his Christ, because the accuser of our brethren is
overthrown, which before our God the accused both day and night.
And they (Michael and his
angels) beat (fought) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and by the word
of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.
So you rejoice, o heavens, and
ye that dwell in them.
Of those who abitam on land
and at sea; because the Devil (Lucifer) is down to you, and has great wrath,
knowing that I have little time.
Christ during this period was
on Earth
And had sent his disciples to
mission in the cities
And when he returned, Jesus
told his disciples.
Luke-Chapter 10.18 – And Jesus said: I saw Satan (Lucífer) like a thunderbolt that fall out
of the sky.
But when Christ showed all the
love after his mission on Earth.
God gave you more not only
about the Nations heritage until the ends of the Earth for your possession
But power over all the
heavens, all living creations in the heavens and the Earth and all power was
given to him.
Jesus Christ being rich and
powerful in light in the sky made flesh, poor and suffered and died for us so
we give life, joy and the right to be rich in Zion.
Honor, Gloria, Laus, Majesty
and Empire is given to Jesus Christ through all centuries and centuries of
eternity, Amen.