
sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

The man (Ego) its complex life and Jesus Christ

The man (Ego) its complex life and Jesus Christ

The man is to Jesus Christ as the moved to the mover

Or as the object to the subject

The man needs to Jesus Christ for their full development, living a life in depth and happiness.

Jesus Christ by his infinite love for Man, not measured sacrifices to have the man next to him.

The complex takes our idea of being a single person in our personality, we have many other beings who want to live independently.

These beings are an autonomous entity within our soul that behave as independent beings

Like it or not, conscious or unconscious these beings participate of our personality to live life on our place.

Here we come to a very important point

The man relates to its complex, and often engages in a conflict.

There exists the risk of one of these beings rule the Man and manifest and dominate personality and live his life. Or the man identify himself (i.e., thinking) that he is this other man Be.

When a dominates the personality conflict may occur in the soul of man.

When man identifies with a being that invasion resulted in an expanded consciousness, the man is disoriented in his soul, accompanied by feelings of power or a feeling worthless, i.e. to be an unimportant person.

This holds the soul and forces you to transgress the laws of God

The consequence and go on to have an attitude of concern and loss of laws and statutes given by our Creator.

Here for some of us it's very difficult knowing that we can be ourselves, nobody left who owned our personality and lives for us, and for me it is very difficult to live with this reality.

How can we do so that we don't get trapped by other beings?

Let's remember what our Lord Jesus Christ said:

Matthew cap18-Calling a boy, because in the middle of them. And said, verily I say unto you, if not you are converted (i.e. become) and do you not as a boy in any way will enter the Kingdom of heaven.

Being a boy is to be simple, it's not feel nor powerful nor failure, is to live without greed.

When we despojamos everything, then surely we are ourselves.

Elsewhere Jesus Christ said:

Matthew cap3-blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.

Here Jesus Christ otherwise teaches us the same thing (how to enter the Kingdom of heaven) here we can understand how spirits these beings mentioned above who want to live our life

They intrinsically are part of our soul.

It's hard, but we're going to deprive of our complex and live a full life with Jesus Christ.


The man has to put his thought, always firstly in Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ said: seek the Kingdom and his righteousness and all other things shall be added.

When we talked all day with Jesus Christ, speaking to him.

Lord Jesus Christ illuminates my ways, guide me with your light, bless my day, daime your wisdom, fills my heart with thy peace, help me in this business, bless the fruit of my work, make me a Wife, make me a Husband, Lord Jesus Christ I need a House, car, etc.

Our thinking is not in right (object), but in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ taught us:

Matthew cap10-whoever finds his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

We can't live our lives according to our complex of power and lust, but a simple life as a boy.

We have to maintain the link (man – Jesus Christ) constant in our lives every day in our thinking, in our soul, our spirit, in our consciousness, in our psyche.

The achievements that we're doing, in our life, cannot by them our heart (mind). Because if we do that we will be giving opportunity of these complexes (beings) manifest in our personality and live our lives.

We live in the light of Jesus Christ

Let's remember:

Jesus Christ being rich and powerful in light in the sky made flesh, poor and suffered and died for us so we give life, joy and the right to be rich in Zion.

To give us a new name of power, seeing the face of God as she is living in Siam in the Tabernacle of God's Heavenly enjoy the river of joy that goes through the whole Zion, be Kings and priests, being together with Jesus Christ, God and his wonderful Cherubs (Angels of light) in the sky.

Honor, Gloria, Laus, Majesty and Empire is given to Jesus Christ through all centuries and centuries of eternity, Amen.


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