
domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014

Because Satan's Hatred for the man?

Because Satan's Hatred for the man?

Satan also known by the names (Lucifer, Devil).

It was a powerful Light Angel in heaven and was not always evil, as we will try to shed some light on this article.

He was created by God in the lineage of the cherubs (Angels of light). The lineage of angels Cherubs are the angels of God's most Beautiful creation.

Satan was ruler in the heavens and he vanquished his lineage as well as the other lineages of mighty Angels of creation of God.

When Satan heard the intention of God create our bloodline the man in the image and likeness God.

(Genesis 1.26) And God said: let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

And when God made Adam in the garden of Eden.

(Genesis 2.8) And the Lord God Planted a garden in Eden, in the East side: and, as the man who had formed (Adam).

And the Lord God birthed on Earth all the pleasant tree in sight and good for food: and the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Brothers are not simple in understanding, but we have God-given wisdom. Some of us already ate a fruit to have eternal life? Or a fruit that you increase awareness? Or a fruit that gives knowledge?

It is obvious that the garden of Eden that God refers was not here on Earth, but in heaven.


God was creating a new strain in his image and likeness, we after we feed the fruits of the garden of Eden. We would be powerful as God is powerful.

But before that work take place we have been persuaded by Satan with their diabolical traps and we sin against God.

At that moment we die in spirit that is called upon the first death (suffering) of the human soul.

See how was the power of Satan in heaven:

(Ezekiel 28) And the Lord said in prophecy against Lucifer (Satan) in the sky: you're as sealer,

Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

You were in Eden, the garden God: every precious stone was thy covering, the Onyx, Jasper, the Sapphire, the Emerald, and the Carbuncle, the gold, the work of your drums and fifes of yours was in it; on the day you were created they were prepared.

You were anointed cherub to protect and you settled on the holy mountain of God were in the middle of afogueadas stones were.

Perfect were in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in you.

On multiplication of your trade if filled inside of violence, and you sinned by what you throw out of the pile of desecrated God, and I will make you perish, o Cherub guardian between afogueadas stones.

Increased your heart because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; Overland you launched before the Kings sent you, so look for you.

By the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy comercio have profaned the sanctuary; I, because I did get out of the middle of a fire that consumed you, and made you into ashes upon the Earth in the eyes of all who see you.

The brothers see the excerpt from the above Scripture that Satan was in a position of power and a comfortable position in the heavens.

But he realized that if our lineage was until end of God's plans. He'd lose control. Why would I be in the heavens a lineage the image and likeness of God. And he'd be in the hierarchy below the sons of God.

The brothers to understand why Satan hates our bloodline? And because he gun traps evil against us?

Satan by his wrath by his hatred for our bloodline (Man) wants to take with him to the eternal suffering the largest amount of the sons of God. This means the second death (suffering) for our soul. But this is eternal.

When I write the sense of pain that takes my soul bring tears to my eyes for my brothers who leave be persuaded and tricked by the father of lies Satan for the second time. Traps of Satan:

The enemies will dig deep pits and traps against the elect of God, they bring all kinds of suffering souls of the chosen and has put stumbling blocks in our paths.

And with each passing day raises the evils against which have his name written in the book of life.

The word of God, was, is and will always be the same.

Jesus Christ tells us, can be great, storm but I got up on your boat, I told the wind to keep quiet, I already sent the waves calm down, it'll stick to peace in your life.

The enemies will fall into their own graves who made and all the misery that did pass the chosen, you descend upon his own head.

And the people of God I can praise the Lord Jesus Christ, to sing praises unto if holy name. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is coming with victory over your life.

Holy, Holy, Holy is little allergic, you know Christ of Nazareth.

Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ who gave us great blessing.

Gloria is given to our Lord Jesus Christ with God wrote our names in the book of life.


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