And says Jesus Christ Churches: Ai of Churches on Earth, which aim to profit and seek only their interests. And do not take the Gospel to the people and not give them my word.
Eat you the best while many of my people are privacy, you and your families dress as Kings, while my kids are naked.
The poor soul you don't fortaleceis, the soul sick you don't curais and those that are separate from my gospel ye not brought her back to my love and I left my grace didn't pick up, but before it has treated my kids with accuracy and hardness of heart.
So my people has spread and has left my house because you don't have given him the water of life and the bread of heaven that is my word.
My people lost the world subject to Lucifer and his spiritual hosts of wickedness and there's nobody that the fetch.
Churches hear my voice my children are delivered to Satan and the demons and they serve food and are being swallowed up by the devil and you don't do anything.
You don't take care of my children, but before seeking your wealth and your interests.
Churches must know that I am against voice. I requererei in you and wits against take my children out of your hands. And will no longer benefit from the exploitation of my children and my children will get rid of your greed.
I'm going after my children and I will seek and make them come back from places scattered around the world and out of the darkness and give my light and sink the veil from his eyes to see the walking of the heavenly city.
And out of the hands of Satan and will give of the fountain of living water and my word so that their souls have life.
And take it to the churches that have my holy spirit and there their souls they shall be satisfied in the living water and the bread of heaven I refrigerarei their souls and get them to dry land and give them plenty.
Lost souls in the hands of Lucifer I will seek and bring them and I will give you my holy spirit and I will address in their hearts.
What about the churches that the usurpam my children I jugarei with my spirit of Justice.
I free my children to not serve more to Lucifer, but souls are connected to me.
The Father will be his only God and I will be for the souls of the Prince of peace in the midst of the sons of my Father.
And I will keep my concert if they are steadfast and faithful till the end will give you the Crown of everlasting life and will be in Zion, Kings and Priests, I will give you a new dress, a new light, a new name for power and will dwell in my Tabernacle and become one body.
And I will end with Lucifer and every spiritual hosts of wickedness and torture cameras will be launched for all eternity, but my brothers will dwell with me in Siam safely and rest on my Eden.
My brothers I pour out of my blessings and will come down of my blessings from time to time about their souls.
And if you feed the fruit of the tree of eternal life and their souls they shall be satisfied of my gifts and my delights and participate of the springs of water of eternal life and never suffer in shame in the universe, but rather will be honored and admired by all my father's creations in the entire universe.
Honor gloria praise is given to Jesus Christ for all ages of eternity, Amen.
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