Brothers the Lord Jesus Christ will make us a great nation, we are the blessed of the father. And our name in heaven will be a name of power.
You abençoara those who bless us and curse those who curse us. And the Lord Jesus Christ says: I will bless your family and will bless your entire generation.
Esau switched its blessing for a plate of stew, others exchanged their blessing by any offers of Satan.
But you my children didn't change my grace by anything, not even when you're rich even when these poor, even when you're healthy or when these in disease.
So says the Lord Jesus Christ: God bless you my son! The Lord make his face shine upon you, and have mercy on you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. So hold my name on you, and I will bless you.
Even though invoke witchcraft to get you in a ruin, all the evil that invoking, I transmutarei three times in blessing.
Saith the Lord Jesus: I bless will be Kings and Priests with me in heaven. And I curse will not enter paradise.
I will bless your home according to your good will and I will build your heart to the spirit of the fear of God.
My son, your name will remain forever, and your name will be propagated from parents to children. And in eternity my elected will be blessed and every nation in the universe, they would call her blessed.
My dad already has prepared the addresses in Zion, and Celestial will return all your chosen, prisoners of the first death.
Lord Jesus Christ says: Our father never forgot you, and bless all those who have their name written in the book of life, abençoara those who have the spirit of fear of God.
The Lord sends blessing from his throne of Justice and you promise you Heavenly Zion and will see the end of peace among all men.
Brothers be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, Amen.
Bless you with my gifts, and you use it to take my word of salvation the souls in need, and you wear of salvation and the Angels Sing of joy in heaven.
Will be born in you a force pass for you by virtue of my power and you have a light as my light and make you anointed on Earth.
Bless you all and do not, because the curse turns in the great day of judgment.
To be given Honor gloria, Laus, Empire and Majesty to our God and Jesus Christ in the heavens by his powerful Angels and by every man that has his name written in the book of life, Amen.
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