
domingo, 11 de maio de 2014

Prayer to God for the ladies of Nigeria

Almighty God and Heavenly Father, in the name of thy beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ we put ourselves in front of your presence.
You are the creator of the universe, Creator of the heavens and the Earth. You the God that abita with your beloved son Jesus Christ and are among the Cherubim, Seraphim, the archangels and Angels big powerful Beauty, beauty and Light.
You who dwells on Mount Zion in heaven, your city o God, known as the Celestial new Jerusalem (City of peace).
Sir we are in special in your presence, to ask you to respect our sisters in Nigeria, we all in all countries, parents, mothers and relatives of these ladies we all call you, you the God have mercy and bring their families these girls in peace and health.
Keep them where they are and put your powerful Angels in every soul there, and comfort their hearts.
In the name of thy beloved son Jesus Christ we ask, do a work of redemption and we appreciate you in your House, and pay for that vote before your church.
Put peace and hope in every heart of every father and each mother of each lady, comfort and increases our faith we know they can do this work.
We thank you for faithful hope if we are steadfast and faithful to one day enter the heavenly Zion, see your face as she is able to sing the anthem of victory, the hymn that was never Sung.
Mr pour upon us thy light, light that is similar to a gemstone, like Jasper stone, and acts on each face shines girl kidnapped in Nigeria and every heart of every father and mother.
Lord give us the grace to abide in thy Tabernacle o God (abode of God) and be on our way in our lives.
God Father cleans our eyes all tears and rids us of sin in your presence, console our hearts and feed our suffering.
And give us the grace to see in all its purpose o God and your perfection. You that even before being created every thing o God you already knew of its existence and its purpose.
Lord put in our mouths words of eternal life that may enter in the soul of man and the sound in the depths of the feelings of every heart.
Lord we thank you for the promise that if we are steadfast and faithful of receiving you the reward to be Kings and Priests in the heavens over all your creations.
Us men that we made your likeness and image created for a major work in the heavens. To be able to receive from you, so great blessing.
Receive on that great day of You a new incorruptible body, a new name, a new light. Participate in Your Holy Tabernacle.
It is given: Gloria and praise you for all the inhabitants of the heavens (Cherubim, Seraphim and archangels, Angels powerful). And for all your creature on Earth, Amen.
Our soul is bitter and anguished, our soul cries in front of you. Do justice to these ladies of Nigeria.
Mr lightens our souls, light our paths with the light of thy face, strengthens us each in this prayer, Lord, in the power of his might.
Is in their armor so that we can be firm against the Wiles of the devil. Give us reinforcement, so that we can withstand any evil.
Gird our loins with truth, and clothes us with the breastplate of righteousness, put our feet to the Gospel of peace and puts on all our soul the shield of faith, so that we can block all flammable data of our enemies.
Poe over our head the helmet of salvation and in our hands the sword of the Holy Spirit (which is the word of God).
I feel in our soul to your release.
Honor, Glory, Praise is given to God and to Jesus Christ by the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth forever and ever, Amen.

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