
quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014

Resurrection man's first death by the Father and Jesus Christ

And Father took me to the men after men suffer the first death and took me in spirit and put me to view such suffering and such a condition which will become the housing and the condition of suffering of Men, and put me to walk in the middle of them, and the numbers of men were millions of millions of millions of our people, and were dry and no lives.
And told me the Father: Can live these people? And I told him, you know Father.
Then the father said unto me, take your Word to those people and say to them: People dry and lifeless. Behold, I will get into the spirit and you shall live and put nerves upon you, and upon you I will skin and you'll live.
Brother to all who read these lines I mean I do not love the Lord, who can compare to the love of God for us, that after great betrayal in Eden and we were dead, God by his love we gave a new opportunity we got us a terrible place without life instead of first death and put us nerves and skin for a second lifeand if we are steadfast and faithful the opportunity to return to the Eden of God.
So I took my Word as I will order the Father and hears a loud bang while I talked and the wind became a hurricane and that place if shuddered and the noise was deafening and everything changed its place and behold came nerves about them and raised meat, and stretched the skin over them, but there was no spirit in them.
And told me the Father: raise your you the spirit of man and tells the spirit: thus saith my Father the creator of the heavens and the Earth: come from the four winds from the South East and North West, o spirit and blow on the dead to live.
And as the Father told me so I did: I ordered: come from the four winds from the South East and North West, o spirit and blow on the dead to live, and the spirit came on them and if they walk in all that immense people million million million.
Then told me the Father: son of man this is my people I created for a great work to be Kings and Priests on all my creations in the entire universe.
Take your Word and tell my people: I will take this place to death one by one and will send you to live on Earth and who is steadfast and loyal, and have the spirit of fear that God will give the right of return to Eden of God.
And every one who is sent to Earth for a new life I will put on my spirit and you shall live.
And you, son of man will be given a mission to go to Earth and announce the new Gospel of love and death in the wood of the cross so that there is a new book in this book if rake the man and that in that book of the Gospel Act Union for my people and they become one in your hand.
When I tell you man, we don't understand your mission, You tell them: I came to Earth to unite all peoples, all races, all religions, both rich and poor, so they are all just in my hand.
Among all the peoples of the Earth in their midst has the souls of my people, and I take it to my Eden.
My people will be a great nation on Earth all those who accept me as a single God and to you as the only intercessor, my glory I don't divide with Satan.
My people will be known as the ones that don't contaminate with idols and their abominations and their prevarications, and any soul of my people that sin and his soul claim with inexpressible groan with the spirit that I put in your heart I forgive you I cleanse.
My son Jesus Christ will reign on my people, and all my people will have the Gospel of peace to guide them along the way that leads to heaven and the Gospel will have all the senses and all statutes in order to be observed by my people.
Their ancestors have passed you and your children will be passareis and the children of their children and forever Jesus Christ my son will be among them the Prince of peace.
And a concert by the Gospel of peace will be an eternal concert and put my sanctuary among them forever.
And my Tabernacle will be with them and I will be their God and they shall be my people and all the Nations of the world and to every creature of my creation, good or evil shall know that I am the God of man and that I will dwell with men forever.
What can you tell my soul with this revelation: Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Holy, Holy, Holy is our Father and his beloved son Jesus Christ, Amen.

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