And God created man by its power, but the project from our Creator is not only the creation of man, but the mystery which has not been released yet to the man, who is the soul of man and his Union with Jesus Christ and with the own Tabernacle of God.
The mystery involves the Union of man with follow same we can absorb all our weaknesses within our consciousness, being the first step in this journey is to admit that we, we are weak and erring with the things of life trends and not the spirit.
Brothers: Seek the Union through the Sacred and unconditional Love of Jesus Christ in Union with our brothers (our next) two souls in one soul, all souls in a single soul. And then perfected seek the Union every soul with the soul of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And here we reach the final victory total Triumph awaited the Union of man's soul with our Creator. This will be the triumph over Lucifer and every spiritual hosts of wickedness where the great miracle.
What's wrong is right and wrong becomes the well the imperfect becomes perfect fear is courage and anguish in joy to sadness to happiness in wealth and poverty the old become new the blind shall see and the deaf hear and the mute speak and the threats of those who are with us more fight we will have ceased to exist and seven spirits of evil we will have the seven spirits of God.
Brother Walks in the path of light and will become light and it will receive her warmth and her will receive his love and she will unite us. Brothers quickly March with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit with all that is spiritual in our life the reasonable service, hymns of praise to the prayers and in obedience to the word of God.
Brothers will always be ears of the throne of God, where in a distant past have lived with the creator in our Heavenly homeland, and Satan has no power to speak to the ears of the Christians when you have the Holy Union, (Man-Jesus Christ and God).
In this Holy Union, we Men understand the mysteries of God, all true in Union will discuss all the intangible principles of our Creator, understand all of creation and the shape of the soul and its complexities.
Understand death and rebirth, where we're from and where we came from White sources of light of the creator, reborn of its light, no longer as Men of clay, but in a new body that will fly throughout the universe inside the Tabernacle and separated from the Tabernacle of God.
Brothers for so great blessing, for such great power, we have to be forged in the fire and into water to reborn. We were forever lost in first death and our souls in death of oblivion. And then God got us out of weakness, through his power, turned in strong Kings and Priests.
And put us in your Tabernacle place winners, place of the faithful, the place they love the Gospel, made us strong and right winners of eternal life with gloria with all wisdom in us, past present and future forever.
For that to happen, we have to be loyal to the path that God determines us, fulfilling the cults the hymns and prayers, obeying the word of God. These tools give us power on Earth to imitate Jesus Christ won for us to be winners, too.
These weapons that make us transmute from a seed in the ground for Kings and Priests in the heavens, receiving from the light of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Brothers let the light of Christ in his life and rebirth in Jesus Christ is right on your death.
And in this way we get out of this body of clay for an incorruptible body of light. And understand the mystery of the word of our Creator. That God created us to a great work in the heavens the work of the Union. And be completed the beginnings of a remote past in Eden of God.
Brother opens a new path in your life, a path in the truth of the Gospel, which will grow in your life on Earth, as the word of God: Launches your bread upon the waters, after many days you did meet him, throws the material and reaps the spiritual, launches the Gospel seed in your soul and you will grow the eternal soul with gloria.
Brother walks in the light, walk in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit that will give you loyalty in the Gospel and animo power over evil, and his face is transmutará as the roto of Stephen in pure light of heaven.
And God you will carve a new face for you in the heavens with his bare hands to all those who win those who knew honor God and Jesus Christ with great truth in their hearts.
Today brother you understand a little more of the Holy Union of Man-Jesus Christ and God and their steps to find the path of light and then when you get to the grace of God, to discern the ephemeral, the real.
That God bless all brothers, all to be that day in the Holy Union with Jesus Christ and God and live with gloria forever and ever, Amen.
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