
segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2014

Throne of light, Throne of darkness.

The Father of lights You reign forever and the Kingdom of darkness has no power over you. Father you're girded with the fortress and your robe of Majesty.

And we the men we have the names in the book of life, all who want the light and reject the darkness we are firm and not let anything your way.

The Throne of light is signed in Zion in heaven for eternity. The devil and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness have raised against Humanity, against every soul, feelings of malice in the deepest of every soul, arise with huge waves to drown.

But, the Father and Jesus Christ are more powerful than our complex, are more powerful than the deep instincts, are more powerful than the torrents raised by Satan.

Your father works, have shown us your light and Holiness to Zion in heaven forever and ever.

Father thy people asking you, coating us with your Light, raise the head of the humble and the proud slaughter. Even when Father, Satan and the Spiritual Hosts of wickedness will rejoice with joy and all who practice evil?

Destroy the man and attack those who have their names in the book of life, Kill (lead the 2nd death) that are not in the path of light. And In Assembly of evil convinced mankind that God does not exist.

Humankind, all Nations, all tongues, you who are in the path of darkness and make her your power, you crazy, when thou shalt be wise?

The Father who made the ears, you will not hear?
And who formed the eye not see?
The father who raises the man, don't punish?
And what gives man knowledge, don't know?

The men are involved in the powers of darkness. Sage is the man who You berate. And he who walks the path of light. Because these will be peace in the bad days that will go through on Earth. Until the big day where all those who are involved in the power of darkness and Lucifer and the Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness they will fit the second death (eternal suffering).

The father had rejected those who have their names in the book of life, those who walk in the path of light that are clean and pure of heart. All those who belong to the Father will return to Eden of God.

Today the Father in question:
Who will be with me against the evil empire?
Who will stand beside me against those who do evil?

Brother if Jesus Christ is our Savior, we'd be doomed to second death (eternal suffering). When you screw up, when we hesitate, the love of Jesus Christ keep us standing in the path of light, Jesus Christ is teaching us and cheering our souls in rational cults.

Psalms Chapter 94, verse 20: Could happen to be associated with the throne of Iniquity, which forges evil, resulting in pretext a law?

Brothers the throne of Iniquity is the Throne of darkness that Lucifer took over and created a form on it to his empire and placed in an orderly manner having Hierarchies as a pretext a law, the same law that sold us out for us the lie as truth.

Genesis Chapter-4, 5 Then the Serpent (Lucifer Materialized in the form of a serpent) told his wife certainly did not die. Because God knows that in the day ye eat of them will open your eyes, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Brothers at this moment that we accept the powers of darkness in our souls, we sin against our Creator, at that time we had the fulfillment of the word of God and had the first death (suffering) expulsion from the Eden of God.

The brothers Father by his great love for his creation mankind, we took the 1st death and gives us the opportunity to return to Eden of God. The Empire of light has no fellowship with the Empire of darkness.

The evil empire run quickly against the souls of mankind, to take the right to eternal life with the Father and Jesus Christ in the Holy Union and take as many as they can to the second death (eternal suffering).

But God and Jesus Christ are our saviors, our strength, our hope and refuge of whosoever chalk in Jesus Christ and follow the Gospel of salvation.

But the Father will fall the world of darkness and evil on all men and women who follow the path of the power of darkness, and about Lucifer and every Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness our God and Jesus Christ will destroy them forever and ever, Amen.

Brothers that the light of the Father's face between every heart in every soul and that jump to life everlasting, Amen.

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