And God created all the heavens and their foundations. Having already created celestial beings are each as his lineage.
And God created many people in heaven and many lineages and for each people gave cities, wealth and housing.
God of beginning to make your project more audacious.
As it is written in the Holy Scriptures that God and Jesus Christ's head and body that Christ is the head and the Church is the body.
If the Church (Men) are connected as members of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ as members of God. The man is part of the body of God.
Because God would expand their own extension?
With growth of a work of God throughout the universe between various heavens, various peoples and Nations the man will be as the word of God you will be: Kings and Priests.
Because each Man (King and Priest) God will give him missions through the universe. Will be translated by the universe and fulfill in us the same mystery (will be like our own eyes of God are in the Mission).
· Ministering the word of God sanctuary.
· Teaching the laws, the path of righteousness, truth and do the will of the Creator.
· Teaching people how to have a perfect connection (Communion) with the creator.
· The laws of the Father: create, teach, apply and place order.
Just like what happened with our Lord Jesus Christ, as it is written below:
John, chapter-Gospel 14.7 – and said Lord Jesus: If you knew me you shall know me by my Father; and since now know him, and tends.
Philip said to him: Lord, show us the Father, and we just.
Jesus said to her: I am so long with you, and not me tends known Felipe? Who see me sees the Father. I am in the Father and the Father is in me, and the words that I say to you, do not say to myself, plus the father is in me, that doeth the works.
Jesus Christ said: that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. If anyone loves me, kept my word, and my father will love him, and we will come to him and make him address.
(Genesis 1.26) And God said: let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
And when God made Adam in the garden of Eden.
(Genesis 2.8) And the Lord God Planted a garden in Eden, in the East side: and, as the man who had formed (Adam).
And the Lord God birthed on Earth all the pleasant tree in sight and good for food: and the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Brothers are not simple in understanding, but we have God-given wisdom. Some of us already ate a fruit to have eternal life? Or a fruit that you increase awareness? Or a fruit that gives knowledge?
It is obvious that the garden of Eden that God refers was not here on Earth, but in heaven.
God was creating a new strain in his image and likeness, we after we feed the fruits of the garden of Eden. We would be integrated into the Tabernacle of God Almighty.
And God announced to all the Nations and cities of heaven to his creation (Man) and exalted in heaven before all your creations.
Lucifer also known by the names (Satan, Devil).
It was a powerful Light Angel in heaven and was not always evil, as we will try to shed some light on this word.
He was created by God in the lineage of the cherubs (Angels of light). The lineage of angels Cherubs are the angels of God's most Beautiful creation.
Lucifer was King in heaven and he vanquished his lineage as well as the other lineages of mighty Angels of creation of God.
When Lucifer knew the intention of God create our bloodline the man in the image and likeness God.
Lucifer realized that if our lineage was until end of God's plans. He'd lose control. Why would I be in the heavens a lineage the image and likeness of God. And he'd be in the hierarchy below the sons of God.
But we Men we turn against our Creator. And let the law given by our God and we were expressly against provision of God's law, to satisfy interest and personal feeling of power.
Us seeking to satisfy our personal impulses and do not understand the work of God for us is a power far greater than our spirit in the sky could imagine.
And God said: I turned my sword against people (cherubs, Archangels, Seraphim, Angels powerful Man, etc.) my creation all Worship (those who seek incessantly, iniquity, evil, power, lust etc.) The Grifters, who practice evil, sin, injustice and those who turn against my laws.
Learn to do good and praticai the justice and return to my ways of love. And I will turn your garment of sin in robes of purity. If voice listening ye shall eat of the fruit of the tree of life.
And the men who were persuaded by (Satan) to continue in their wickedness by the power and lust.
God said: I turned my word against voice and will be taken to the suffering to be taken from voice all impurity and iniquity. To return to the origin of your creation. When men had a pure heart in front of me.
Ah! My people (Man) that the Guide, destroy the ways of thy paths.
Prophecy of God on behalf of Man: and was born a boy between voice. And be a man without macula (Jesus Christ) and will be full of light and it is full of beauty and glory he will guide and I can stay in my house, and the precepts of my law, this will be holy before me.
And he will take you from the darkness. And bring your cities of death.
And he will take you from the darkness. And bring your cities of death.
And will be of great joy for the man. And it will be Prince of great power. And the Principality will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful, will be a strong God and the everlasting father, Prince of peace.
And God has always loved us, did this as had spoken in favor of men. Made a man (Jesus Christ), with the purpose of rescuing the men to God, and did it with the qualities of his own spirit (God). And gave it to Jesus Christ: the spirit of wisdom, spirit of discernment, spirit of the fear of God, spirit of love, spirit of Justice, spirit of Peace, Espirito Santo.
And his spirit will judge not according to the sight of his eyes, even as she scolded him the will judge according to what you speak to your ears. But will judge with justice Spirit will judge all evil.
And for the few who enter in Siam not Heavenly fara hurt nor destroy in all my lot of my Holiness says Jesus Christ. And Jesus said: I will fill everyone with the knowledge of God Spirit to that cover the whole Zion heavenly.
Matthew Chapter 22; 13 – and said so the King said to the servants: Amarai him hand and foot, take him, and cast him into outer darkness: There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Because many are called, but few chosen.
And God put forth His mighty hand upon all nations of your creation and those who remained faithful to God. God rescued them from the darkness and take to itself the city of light Siam heavenly.
And (Jesus Christ) he will be God's counselor. Strong, Father of piety. And his throne will be forever.
And Lucifer (Angel of light and Beauty and powerful in heaven) and dwelt between the Cherubim. And he filled the hearts of men with greed and gave them the lie by truth.
And the man has corrupted and love was exchanged for greed and the man exploited his own brother and lust and power took over the heart of man.
Until God's wrath turned against the man. And did God that their cities to stand up against each other, fighting each other for their own destruction.
And God allowed Lucifer and other nations turn against us to plunder and lead the man to misery. But still we don't we turn against Lucifer and even against their principalities to feria, and even seek God to free themselves from the yoke of Lucifer, but we were looking to do deals and agreements with Lucifer.
And Lucifer if ajuntava with other Nations in meetings of evil and conspired against the man, diabolical plans. And said: we will take their cities Lucifer and put them our governors.
And God said: I do all my work after finished at Mount Zion in heaven for my kids (the man).
I'm going against Lucifer: my outrage and my anger to consume them. I will visit the arrogant heart of Lucifer and the pomp of the loftiness of his eyes. And I will destroy you and will be released in hell forever and ever.
I'm going against Lucifer: my outrage and my anger to consume them. I will visit the arrogant heart of Lucifer and the pomp of the loftiness of his eyes. And I will destroy you and will be released in hell forever and ever.
And the sons of God: put all your spirit, your Soul, your whole faith and if only estribaram in the Lord God and Jesus Christ.
Although the people of God is as the sand of the sea, only a small part of it if you convert: A destruction this determined, and will be accompanied by the Spirit of the righteousness of God. Never more holy men separated by God, leaned on Lucifer (Devil) about who smote them.
And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, behold, the Tabernacle of God (abode of God) with men, because he dwelt with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them.
And God will cleanse your eyes all tears; and there will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor outcry nor pain, already the first things have passed.
The Union of God – Jesus Christ – Man, you can't tell when they're together or apart, why get confused in a great mix of Love.
Honor, Glory, Praise is given to God and to Jesus Christ by the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth forever and ever, Amen.
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