
segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Cancer psychosomatic illnesses and Jesus Christ

Certainly made a grave mistake to think that all our illnesses are of organic origin.
This article doesn't want to belittle our knowledge of medicine that cancer has its foundations in genetics, bad habits like smoking, alcohol, overeating, lack of exercise, etc.
But complete this evil in the century also has its origins in the soul.
When we have a dog crashes in our soul for work reasons, relationship, love, our beliefs about our reality, accepting in them, etc.
Unconsciously to a form of compensation seeking a balance, a simple example: when we went through any kind of fear our body produces and pours a greater amount of adrenaline in your body.
That's what we call a psychosomatic effect.
Until our repressed desires and inhibited, excluded from being performed consciously are Decompensated ranging seek compensation unconscious.
These unconscious contents together and form a power load and erupt in the form of psychosomatic illnesses including cancer.
Cancer is the pent-up energy of a part of the spontaneous soul who doesn't identify with the man. Cancer manifests itself as a stand-alone training that sneaks through the Man.
The cancer has its existence in the soul.
The lack of connection to a way out of this accumulated energy in the soul has to be channeled consciously.
May appear unconsciously other forms of compensation of that energy to materialize through moods, neuroses, aggression, irritability, nervousness, etc. And even more serious forms as psychotic criminals, etc.
And the best way to positive compensation is via the link (man – Jesus Christ). That's the real way to compensate our anxieties, fears, anguish repressed desires, ask Jesus Christ to heal us and force us, as ours, genetics, bad habits like smoking, alcohol, overeating, lack of exercise, etc.
Expressing through Jesus Christ through prayer, when I say prayer, is not only that special moment we do once or twice a day, but every moment that drove our thoughts to Jesus Christ anywhere we go.
In our thoughts and in our prayers in Jesus Christ are we supposed to channelling and transmuted all that energy in this bond formed (Man-Jesus Christ).
Maintaining a relationship with all our being confronting before Jesus Christ going on just compensation which allows the dissolution of our conflicts. By the way Jesus Christ will give us this great blessing in our thoughts and prayers and give a reply by Holy Spirit Comforter.
Being that this intimate and constant communion with our Lord Jesus Christ can also be delivering our needs in your hands.
The fact simply belong to a religion, it makes this condition (Man-Jesus Christ).
Unless the religion you follow teach you if you put in this intimate communion (Man-Jesus Christ).
For this we have to develop that skill by practicing every moment our thoughts with Jesus Christ, this is the only way we can do the active compensation process.
Beauty is becoming aware of all our weaknesses and anguish and fears and develop all our heart in Jesus Christ via the link (Man-Jesus Christ) by our thoughts and prayers in Jesus Christ.
I refer the reader to the article: the man (Ego) its complex life and Jesus Christ.
In this article to be observe perfectly the form of compensation in our soul.
That God and Jesus Christ are in your hearts.
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

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