Brothers all our souls feel thirst of living water from heaven.
Surely at that moment our souls cry out with unspeakable groan within ourselves, our soul thirsts for you, our soul and our being wishes you Sir, we found ourselves in a world where no living water.
When we remember you Sir in your Sanctuary, when participated of the delicias of your Kingdom.
When habitávamos your paradise in Eden and lived next to your love.
When we lived near your fortress and your light shone upon us.
When your kindness dwelt among us, is better than life, our lips get praised.
Lord even on dry land, in this world where no living water, our soul louvara you, while we live: your name we shall raise our hands.
Lord we just feel refreshment to our soul, when we remember you in our prayers, when we remember you in our bed when we meditate on you in the watches of the night and the morning.
Lord our God you have helped us in this dry land. Lord we sing praises to thee, a refugee in the shadow of your wings.
Lord our God we fight against our flesh in this corruptible body in which we live today to being able to be close to you, even if it's for seconds to cool our soul.
Lord Satan deceived us in heaven, where we lived in delicias your paradise, and here on this earth thirsty seek our lives to destroy them.
Lord sends my enemy (Satan and his principalities and powers) to the depths of the Earth.
Falling by the sword of your powerful angels and rat ration of the underworld.
Our Jesus Christ be praised in you. And any that he pray may be glorified, because if the mouths of taparão who speak a lie.
Lord you are our God that visits us and refreshes our soul, you get rich us greatly with the living water of thy throne, filled with living water our soul and softens our heart with your blessings and blesses us with your news.
On dry land you layoff your living water and souls sing for joy.
Lord Jesus Christ you are the source of living water of men on Earth, flowing into eternal life, which leads us where we never should have left.
Lord raises the North wind, and send us the South wind, blows in our hearts, so that if we pour over your spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ comes upon us with the living water that jumps to eternal life.
The afflicted souls seeking the living water, and won't find it and their tongues if dry parched, and call it with inexpressible groan.
But the Lord says, God of love and kindness: I heard them and I will not let you or forsake you.
I will open rivers of living water in rich countries and poor countries, and make the desert (spiritual) in tanks of living water and dry land in watersheds.
And the throne of my gloria run whitewater half for the countries of the East and half to the Western countries.
You happy brother, glory to God!
And God says: Because I will pour out the water alive on the souls and the rivers sedentes on dry land and I will pour out of my spirit upon your children and my blessing on your descendants.
John Chapter 04-
A woman of Samaria came to draw water; Jesus Christ said to him: give me to drink.
I told him, as the Samaritan woman: how, being a Jew, ask me to drink to me, Samaritan woman? (Because Jews don't communicate with the Samaritans).
Jesus answered and said unto him, If you know the gift of God, and that's what I say-give me something to drink, you ask him, and he'd give you living water.
The woman said to him: Lord you don't have to take, and the well is deep; where are you living water?
Art thou greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, drinking himself, and his children, and his cattle.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Any to drink this water will be thirsty.
But the one who drinks the water I give him will never thirst, because the water that I give you, if a water source will jump to eternal life.
Brothers follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ and we do not deny the souls that are close to us the tired and hungry a little of the living water that Jesus Christ has placed in our hearts.
Those who were lost in this world and can't find our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and their souls feel abandoned.
Brothers if we open our soul to the hungry and tired soul distressed so our light will rise in darkness and the darkness shall be as the noon.
And surely our father who is in heaven in recompensara.
The Lord Jesus Christ lead us continuously and disenchanted with our soul in dry places, and fortificará our bodies and we're going to be like a watered garden, and like a spring, whose waters never lack.
The Lord our God, is the one that helps you not have strength, and that sustains the arm than not have force.
Is one who advises with wisdom and that reveals its mysteries. Is Jesus Christ who gives us his spirit.
The dead tremble under the waters with their residents.
Hell is naked before our God, and nothing can cover our sins.
The strength of our God sustains the universe and holds the waters in dense clouds and clouds don't fall apart.
Who can understand its power of creation of the universe?
By his spirit the heavens ornou. His hand formed Lucifer (Cherub-Angel of light) that serpent of old who made us to sin against our Creator.
And we exchanged the glory of Eden by what was of no avail. Horror spread through the skies of our attitude.
Let the wealth of aguas vivas and we do not retain water tanks and exchanged the gloria by servitude and made us hostages of Satan.
The Lord Jesus Christ, let us not miss anything. Jesus Christ is what leads us with his love and that feeds us with his word and is what gives us the living water and she is cooling our souls and bring us peace.
And on that great day Jesus Christ who is in the midst of the throne, will take care of all of us and we serve as a guide for the springs of waters of life. And cleanse our eyes all tears.
And shows us the pure River of water of life, clear as Crystal that will proceed from the Kingdom of God and of Jesus Christ.
And in the middle of the square, and another band of pure River of water of life, is the tree of life that produces twelve fruits, giving its fruit of month on month and the leaves of the tree are for the health of Nations.
And the spirit of Jesus Christ we say: come, to whom I say: Come. And who thirsts, let him come; and just about anybody who wants to, take of the water of life freely.
Lord Jesus Christ, our praise and all who read this article is received by you as actions of grace and Hallelujah forever and ever, Amen.
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